Rant from beyond!!!

sadistik necrofiend

Furby goes nanners
Sep 21, 2005
hatu forest
So today is ultimately wierd. I had to be at work early as shit.
I just want to start off by saying FUCK Starbucks!!!!!

Everyone needs to boycott this company and all of the other stupid vampyric corporations which are sucking the life out of cities and towns in exchange for peoples lust for convenience. Get a fucking Life and support your local shit, not the multinational fuckwads.


I guess I mainly say Starbucks is gay because their coffee sucks and they add really poisonous shit to their coffee like Sucralose and then give you the piece of mind by saying there is a bunch of vitamins in there. Well I would recommend doing some research on Sucralose which is a sugar substitute not too much different from Aspartame and you'll find that both of these have been linked to brain tumors etc. Just because it is a sugar substitute does not mean it is any better than sugar.

So, I ended up having some of this coffee from the poisonous vending machine at work which is just filled with shitty and unhealthy stuff. So I was drinking it and then gazed at the ingredients and just felt like throwing the damn thing.
That is my fault for making the choice and from this point on I am boycotting all this bullshit as yes I have become a bit of a health freak in case you didn't notice.

If you think I am being a little paranoid or whiny here thats fine, but I have researched on these things quite a bit and I know for a fact that they are pretty shitty for you. I am just trying to take the most logical approach in this wierd mortal coil of mine. I mean if you don't want to be healthy then your fucking lying and you know that is true. Either that or your just some wierd fuck on the verge of death who honestly doesn't care.

Hell, Aspartame is not to be used by Pilots when they fly cause it can cause they to have Vertigo and can have various other side effects. It says this in pilot training manuals.

On another note
Necrophagia is one sick fucking death metal band. It pisses me off that they don't really get the recognition they deserve.
Fyi, coffee isn't exactly the most healthy thing to drink. Just throwin that out there.

I didn't care much about you saying fuck Starbucks because I like the coffee shop inside the Borders right down the road from me 258239582598253 times better. What I do have a problem with (or at least it makes me laugh when I hear people say it) is saying fuck Wal-Mart. What is so bad about Wal-Mart? Surely the low prices on everything they stock can't be bad. How about the convience of having just about anything you need all in one store? What about the thousands of jobs they supply communities with? That's bad?


The fact that they tend to run small local businesses out of business, they make use of, essentially, slave labor to achieve those low prices, and are generally one big ethical mess of a company.
1) Folders sucks dick.

2) This isn't the 1920's bra. If your small business specializes in something and is worth a crap then I find it hard to believe WM is going to run you out of business just like that.

3) Show me some information on this "slave labor." They are a distributor, they don't make their own products, so who exactly is being a slave?

4) What ethical mess?
Supermarkets (or whatever you call them) are generally shite in my opinion. I don't know what yours are like but I hate wondering around a cold linoleum palace walking down isles and isles looking for a fucking car sponge and some yoghurt. Actual shops ftw.

My mother normally does the shopping but I did it recently and I was stood there thinking, what died so that I could be stood here looking and 7 different brands of paper to wipe my backside with and was it really worth it.
I'm saying that some consider both to be unethical (minimum wage and lack of health benefits).

IMO, offering health benefits is in the best interest of the employer, but they shouldn't be required to offer it to people.
How is minimum wage unethical?

And tbh, for the job the cashiers do, how do they rate health benefits?

Exactly. Toss in the fact that if you work full-time you are paid more than minimum wage and rate health benefits. College/high school students and retired people working part-time don't need a shit ton of money and benefits.
Since when were people paid based on need in a capitalist society?

I'm not holding up the hammer and sickle I'm just saying.
I think coffee tastes like shit. But my sense of taste is a lot more sensitive than most peoples which sucks major dick.
Just because you don't like something doesn't mean your tastes are more "sensitive". I like black coffee but can't stand 99% of vegetables. Just personal taste.