SS's Rant about everything

I think being proud of something you had no control over is silly. I'm not proud of being mostly Italian as I had no part in making it happen. Being interested in cultural history is one thing but taking pride in it is another.
Mathiäs;10864303 said:
I think being proud of something you had no control over is silly. I'm not proud of being mostly Italian as I had no part in making it happen. Being interested in cultural history is one thing but taking pride in it is another.

Yeah, it really doesn't make a lot of sense to me. A lot of the people I hang around are into their respective European ancestries and endlessly pontificate about honor, pride, and all that vaguely nationalistic bullshit and I can't help but just make fun of them for it, because the reality is that they all just drink beer and listen to metal.
Mathiäs;10864303 said:
I think being proud of something you had no control over is silly. I'm not proud of being mostly Italian as I had no part in making it happen. Being interested in cultural history is one thing but taking pride in it is another.

I worked very hard to gain my heritage, so I don't appreciate this comment.
It's not about pride as a truly separate, rational judgement of some act, it's about your consciousness and your essence.
It does, except it makes the opposite point: your consciousness and your essence is not your ethnicity, but what creates the concepts of ethnicity and pride.
Genes exist whether you want them to or not. Whether you're in a gay relationship with a wood shrew or married to Helen of Troy. There is an element your essence that is determined by them. Some scientists may say it isn't a positive way of viewing life or something, but they wont say it's false. Even if it becomes socially unacceptable, genetics kind of matter. Anyway, I'm just arguing this for the sake of truth. Nothing I've said the OP is about race anyway. People responded as if it were because, frankly, Americans have a dumb way of seeing everything as being part of their simplistic domestic political debates.
I'll bite because I'm still drunk from the night before. What exactly constitutes an "essence", and what exactly is your stance on consciousness? We're dealing with incredibly opaque terms here.
Genes exist whether you want them to or not. Whether you're in a gay relationship with a wood shrew or married to Helen of Troy. There is an element your essence that is determined by them. Some scientists may say it isn't a positive way of viewing life or something, but they wont say it's false. Even if it becomes socially unacceptable, genetics kind of matter. Anyway, I'm just arguing this for the sake of truth. Nothing I've said the OP is about race anyway. People responded as if it were because, frankly, Americans have a dumb way of seeing everything as being part of their simplistic domestic political debates.

Genes are not deterministic. They can activate and lead to a behavior, but not always. You can have a gene and not have it activate. Also, everyone who's non-African has negligible genetic difference, while Africans have by far the most.

But yeah, the fact that I'm human is pretty genetic, but I wonder where you'll find the genetic basis of me thinking race is fucking stupid.

Mathiäs;10864549 said:
Vimana, in what way did you 'work hard to gain your heritage'?

It was a joke.

I'll bite because I'm still drunk from the night before. What exactly constitutes an "essence", and what exactly is your stance on consciousness? We're dealing with incredibly opaque terms here.

Consciousness can't be described because it is the source of all conscious experience. All we say we are is merely the experience, but what we are is the experiencer.
Vimana you would have to prove that people activate their genes through a conscious thought process, or prove that the activation is entirely random. I know nothing about genes or theories on consciousness though, so this is going to rapidly spiral down the toilet. Don't try and turn this thread into a post racial blah rant, because it doesn't make you look smart given that the original post says nothing about racism or white supremacism.
Vimana you would have to prove that people activate their genes through a conscious thought process, or prove that the activation is entirely random.

I'm no biologist, but I've picked up a bit reading about evopsych. Genes code for proteins, and can activate or not activate based on different conditions. Nature/nurture is a false dichotomy because the potential outcomes of the environment (nurture) acting upon an individual organism is determined by their genes (nature). Sometimes you can find a gene for something, but that tends to be with simpler things like eye color. But even if a trait is linked to one gene, a bunch of other ones may be modifiers. When you get to more complex things like cognition, no one really knows. (There may be no link since brains are kind of like natural computers and the same computer can run vastly different programs without changing any of its hardware). There was a female mouse that had a gene removed from it and it didn't nurture its young and just let them die, but one can't say that's the gene for mothering since there could be hundreds or thousands of others you can remove and the same result would occur.

The point is that trying to trace one's persona to their race is pretty much impossible with what is currently known about biology.

I know nothing about genes or theories on consciousness though, so this is going to rapidly spiral down the toilet. Don't try and turn this thread into a post racial blah rant, because it doesn't make you look smart given that the original post says nothing about racism or white supremacism.

My rant was more about how people should just drop the hatchet and stop worrying about shit people in the past did to other people in the past. It turned into that post-racial thing because I'm taking an English class and I live in a liberal state in the US where every single fucking English class I have to hear about racism.

I'm not denying racism doesn't exist anymore, but I just wish people could stop saying white people this and black people that. Hopefully one day the last white person would call a black person a my pals and they'd laugh in their face at the idea of being inferior for the color of their skin or being forced to relive the pain of people in the past that they never even met because of a fucking word.
Tbh I've been thinking and I really regret rejecting a 10 biracial black girl outside a club once. She was fucking smoking and it would have been fucking steaming sex, all of that of that pent up bullshit all coming out in her. Fuck.


In reply to what you said though, I think your views are a bit optimistic or rather US-centric. What's happening in regards to race in India and China?
I don't think they're optimistic at all. If I can think race is fucking stupid and not let it affect how I view people, anyone else can. How to get them to realize how much better it is to view people as people and actually do that is another story, though.
Mathiäs;10864303 said:
I think being proud of something you had no control over is silly. I'm not proud of being mostly Italian as I had no part in making it happen. Being interested in cultural history is one thing but taking pride in it is another.

I don't agree. I agree you have no control over your nationality. But why not take pride in it? "You have no control" is not a valid answer. When life deals you a hand, you play it to the best of your ability.
I don't think everything about national pride is related to historical achievements, it's also about the current, existing culture. You could be proud of some Italian food related stuff and be a good chef yourself, for example.
I don't see how Chinese cuisine can have more to do with a specific Chinese person that neither makes it nor had any part in creating it than it does with me.