Beyond Multiculturalism: Toward a New Paradigm of Diversity

ok, so I care alittle.

Not that much where I actually give a fuck about the entire race though.
The sad thing is that the media has everyone so brainwashed and programmed that whenever such commentary is brought forth such as PE has that a knee-jerk reaction is brought about and the "dissenter" is automatically shouted out and summarily ignored.
We're all on a slow boat ride into slavery and/or destruction and no one has the slightest clue. Just tune into the idiot box and turn off your brains is what is the pathetic norm these days.
I think there was something that ANUS brought up that I read awhile ago that was pretty valid.


I've noticed something living here in Perth. Alot of the immigrants tend to only mix amongst themselves in their own little communities and groups and I find that pretty sad considering they're not exactly in their own country anymore. They refuse to interact with the locals(unless it's with second generation Australian-Asians). This therefore creates a fragmentation of Australian culture and identity(er...yeah, I've got my own opinion on this but it's a different story).

It's hard to diverse these people because it seems that they're introverted and arrogant, and since the world calls for "globalisation" and "multiculturalism" the goverment tries to include celebrations from different cultures and ethnic groups. This has its advantages and disadvantages. An advantage would be that a few people outside the culture celebrated would attend these celebrations and be hopeful to learn more about these people and therefore be more accepting and social. A disadvantage would be that the celebrated culture would start feeling more at home and start taking the country they migrated to for granted.

I don't really have any solutions to such a problem, because I myself am an immigrant. Although I integrated into Australian culture but still kept my Asian roots(some of it anyway) not many people are willing to do this. Maybe immigrants are just scared...too scared to mix around. Arseholes.
im gonna dissagree with most of the arrogant dickheads on this board, once again, and say that it was a very good essay. it really does hold true that culture has an incredible influence on metal, and music in general. think of all the cultural statements being made in the metal scene. the whole anti consumerism statement (ex: hating mtv and hot topic), overt political statements (on both sides of the table. see SOD, nevermore, exodus....), religious statements (for and against), and the ever popular "Rebelous haircut" which is such a mainstay in the metal scene no one sees it as a social statement. i know i didnt when i had my long hair.

and this doesnt just hold true to modern times, it has been around since the renaissance. the consistant influence of religion in "classical" music, rebellous dress (see Niccolo Paganini. a virtuoso violinist who everyone thought was sent from the devil. he decided to play along and walk around in black and a hooded black cloak and attempt to scare those "common folk". sound familiar?) and even racial beliefs (wagner, a classical era composer, was a HUGE anti semite. he was very verbal about it. his music was later played in german consentration camps as to further insult and degrade the jews).

with that said, kudos to planetary eulogy. well thought out and a thorough read. and with your permission, id like to make reference to it in a continuous project of mine, where i show the constant similarity between metal and "classical" music (somthing ive posted about here before).
Gallantry over Docility said:
.... seeing as the Chat and Seriously Off Topic forums are full of vacuous arsewipes (and that fat Mancunian bastard everyone hates). I might make an enquiry.

you're flaming -> you have to delete your own post :blush:
genocide roach said:
(wagner, a classical era composer, was a HUGE anti semite. he was very verbal about it.

Actually, Wagner was a Romantic era composer, and his music sucks for the most part.

edit: Also, I find myself agreeing with that article on a lot of points.
Planetary Eulogy said:
Based on the NS thread, I beg to differ. There are plenty of folks here interested in actual discussion of cultural topics.
and you believe you're somehow the dispenser of knowledge?

general MUSIC discussion asshole, move along. nothing to see here.
Alright, there's way too many inflammatory replies so far. I personally like to see something different around here, even if I disagree with it. I think what PE posted had some good points, although it was only scratching the surface of this particular issue. I believe his point though was to stimulate some kind of discussion, not stir up controversy. If you want controversy, refer to the NS thread. There's a lot of interesting discussion that can be had about this topic. Personally, I have a very strong sense of my culture and my roots and there's no fucking way I'm going to be spoon-fed the ideas of the cult of consumerism and homogoneity. I'll post a more thoughtful reply when I'm not feeling so tired.
i agree, i'm just angry because this guy keeps posting essays for us to read and then talks to us like he's god. though the topics may be interesting i'd like to see more discussion and less "my way is right or else" bullshit
Silent Song said:
i agree, i'm just angry because this guy keeps posting essays for us to read and then talks to us like he's god. though the topics may be interesting i'd like to see more discussion and less "my way is right or else" bullshit

His attitude is a bit unsavory but I don't think he's completely devoid of intelligence. Also, you could actually try posting a rebuttal to his arguments.
Cythraul said:
Actually, Wagner was a Romantic era composer, and his music sucks for the most part.

edit: Also, I find myself agreeing with that article on a lot of points.

thats subject to debate i believe. he was one of those composers who sorta aided the cross over from classical to romantic. in all the classes ive taken, some say classical, some say romantic. all in all, it doesnt really matter.

and i happen to think he is a genius. one of my favorite composers
Silent Song said:
i agree, i'm just angry because this guy keeps posting essays for us to read and then talks to us like he's god. though the topics may be interesting i'd like to see more discussion and less "my way is right or else" bullshit

Cythraul said:
His attitude is a bit unsavory but I don't think he's completely devoid of intelligence. Also, you could actually try posting a rebuttal to his arguments.
i never said he's not smart. i said he's being an asshole about it :tickled:

and as for replies, i have been voicing opinions. i don't necessarily need to write a 10 page essay with words i looked up in a thesaurus and 2 pages of cited sources to rebutte an argument though. i have a freakin life, and i find it perfectly acceptable to (as i am doing right now) simply state in a paragraph or less my raw thoughts without overcomplicating them to sound intellectual.
Why doesnt this guy post something he has to say. Anyone can quote knowledge,take it from somewhere post it here or anywhere. It's random and no one knows exactly what they are suppose to talk about or comment on. If he posts something he could narrow it down and get to the point, it's way to open. He quotes someone else, posts it here and does not even post his own opinion on it. Why should anyone else if he will not, how does anyone know this guy knows anything he posts about. He has yet to prove he knows more or has a higher intelligence than anyone here or the general worldy population. He is a pseudo intellectual, anyone can do what he's doing on this board if they want. If anyone wants to do what he's doing, look up someone elses work, quote it and post it.

Go here '' type in words to find a user name that sounds like you're intelligent.
Silent Song said:
i never said he's not smart. i said he's being an asshole about it :tickled:

and as for replies, i have been voicing opinions. i don't necessarily need to write a 10 page essay with words i looked up in a thesaurus and 2 pages of cited sources to rebutte an argument though. i have a freakin life, and i find it perfectly acceptable to (as i am doing right now) simply state in a paragraph or less my raw thoughts without overcomplicating them to sound intellectual.

Really? I had a look at the topic and all you've contributed is the observation that this is the general music discussion forum. I must not forget that you also griped because he comes off as too authoritative. Unfortunately for you, that is how people write about such matters. They don't preface every statement with "I think..." As long as the writer is not attempting to be deceptive, there is nothing to complain about. Also, you should grow a spine. When you wade into debate, it's not the responsibility of your opponent to make you feel validated by complimenting your argument. It's not necessarily that your adversary is utterly intransigent. Very likely, he's just not willing to roll over at your feet because you've made an effort. Your problem is that you think you matter just because you disagree.

The Greys, who do you think wrote that? When PE posts articles that are not original, he links to the source.
Demiurge you sound like you're kissing ass. sorry. it's obvious.

i was referring to other topics this guy started. my only response thusfar to this one was basically "god not another one".

and yes, i do think people need to lay off the "what i say is fact" bullshit. cause it is bullshit. everything you write and everything i write and everything ANYONE writes is opinion. what is termed "fact" is merely the most popularly accepted opinion. nonetheless it is no more than opinion.

i would not claim to be authoritative of anything if all i am doing is CTRL+C CTRL+V someone else's opinions and spamming message boards with them. again, i call bullshit. i await your longwinded and wordy "comeback".