Halloween Plans??

Well I have a two and a half year-old, so the wife and I bought and put up a few decorations, took the boy to a farm where they have activities for kids (and adults I suppose) and we picked a couple of pumpkins, bought three more small ones, then brought them home and carved them, bought his costume, made a gingerbread halloween house etc. We will go trick or treat Wednesday. I am already out about $300 for Halloween this year.

I went to my Aunts House yesterday and carved pumpkins. I brought over a MASSIVE storage container for the seeds. By the time I left I had close to ten cups of pumpkin seeds. I've already done the plain roasted. Have the Garlic Roasted pumpkin seeds in now and next comes the Cinnamon roasted Pumpkin seeds. I'm also making apple and pumpkin muffins for work on Wednesday.

Holy shit, did I just admit knowing how to bake? I mean, I'm bashing skulls in right now.



As a side note, I love that my son just does his own thing on his pumpkins.
Too bad the old SIU Halloween party has been abolished.

I'm not particularly broken-hearted about that. I'd rather not be in a town that has to call in heavy-duty law enforcement because people are too idiotic to drink responsibly, thus causing riots year after year. It got so bad that they actually shut down the entire city and sent all the college kids home on Halloween.

It's only been recently that they've let the town open up for Halloween again.

And all this could have been avoided, but apparently college students at SIU-C are bigger idiots than most drunken university students.
I went to my Aunts House yesterday and carved pumpkins. I brought over a MASSIVE storage container for the seeds. By the time I left I had close to ten cups of pumpkin seeds. I've already done the plain roasted. Have the Garlic Roasted pumpkin seeds in now and next comes the Cinnamon roasted Pumpkin seeds. I'm also making apple and pumpkin muffins for work on Wednesday.

Holy shit, did I just admit knowing how to bake? I mean, I'm bashing skulls in right now.



As a side note, I love that my son just does his own thing on his pumpkins.

:goggly: lol...
I'll be sitting on my front porch in full viking uniform, with Avalanche as my vicious wolf companion. Upon command, I'll attack little children and Avalanche will lick them into submission.

And force children to cuddle him.

I would love to be there for that! You know this isn't going to help Av's Attention Whore Complex, right?
You should pu a viking helmet on him! :cool: Assuming that's easier said than done... :Smug:

So basically you're dressing up at Johnny Depp?

Hardly... :lol:
I'm not particularly broken-hearted about that. I'd rather not be in a town that has to call in heavy-duty law enforcement because people are too idiotic to drink responsibly, thus causing riots year after year. It got so bad that they actually shut down the entire city and sent all the college kids home on Halloween.

It's only been recently that they've let the town open up for Halloween again.

And all this could have been avoided, but apparently college students at SIU-C are bigger idiots than most drunken university students.

Apparently, the story has morphed over time. SIU did not shut the campus (not the city) down because of riots. I was there. They shut it down because they did not want a "party school" image. Yes, there were drunken idiots: I saw a full beer can thrown into a crowd of people, and hit a guy in the head. However, for the most part, the party on the strip was very benign. The last year the strip was shut down at SIU, I and a buddy of mine were the first people to go walk into the street and stand there drinking our beer. Everybody else was just waiting. The street filled with people in about 2 minutes. The "party" was just people standing in the street drinking. No violence (other than the thrown can). No property damage.

The first year I was there, the people on the street in the strip decided to go on a rampage. It consisted of walking down the strip toward campus. It got about as far as the statium, then everybody realized there was nothing to do there and turned around and went back to the strip. No violence. No property damage.

There were riots at SIU. My two aunts where there when they happened. There were two separate instances (multiple riots both times I believe). One was in protest of the Vietnam War, and the other was a race riot. Both of these were in the very early '70s.

I was there from '88-'90. In '89 (I think) it was the first year they shut down campus and the dorms.
I saw a friend on Sunday. He watched the son of friends of his (not our friends). The father said, "Rich (my friend), what do you say when you go trick-or-treating?" My friend Rich replied, "Gimme some candy, man." Now the kid keeps walking around saying, "Gimme some candy, man." hehe