Halo 2 appreciation thread

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
Fucking brilliant. Think the sword is a little cheap in multiplayer, but i'm glad they kept battle creek.
Beat the game on normal in 2 days, still in the 2nd level in legendary. Took an hour just to beat the first stage :/ Don't know how i'm going to beat the flood on that difficulty but we'll give it a shot.
Where's everyone at in the game?
Shut up, you're giving away spoilers and I only get the game on Christmas. Even though I don't have it yet, Halo 2 owns.
I'll say this about halo2 or as I and my colleques so aptly named it, Gaylo2. If its so fucking great, how come the game doesn't tell me what direction i'm getting shot from....mmmm. Maybe cause its over rated, but I do like playing multiplayer with my buds.
Steve Vai's music kept my interest with this game. When it pissed me off to the point of incoherent rage, his shredtastic melodies made me forget the fact that the bastard cost me $50.
MetalHeadMarc said:
I'll say this about halo2 or as I and my colleques so aptly named it, Gaylo2.
If its so fucking great, how come the game doesn't tell me what direction i'm getting shot from....mmmm.
Maybe because only pussies need a fucking computer to tell them where shots are coming from. Seriously, that's the worst reason for liking Halo ever. Find it yourself, pansy.
my friend went and picked it up the day the released it. EB had this big thing where they opened at midnight just for Halo 2. It was insane. Like thousands of people went through.
... I havent had the chance to play it yet.. but I was thinking of joining this tournament. It costs $10 and its a round robin 4 way split screen in the movie theatre!! Id get my ass kicked but it might still be fun.
NinjaKitten said:
my friend went and picked it up the day the released it. EB had this big thing where they opened at midnight just for Halo 2. It was insane. Like thousands of people went through.
... I havent had the chance to play it yet.. but I was thinking of joining this tournament. It costs $10 and its a round robin 4 way split screen in the movie theatre!! Id get my ass kicked but it might still be fun.

Do it , that would rock.
NinjaKitten said:
my friend went and picked it up the day the released it. EB had this big thing where they opened at midnight just for Halo 2. It was insane. Like thousands of people went through.
... I havent had the chance to play it yet.. but I was thinking of joining this tournament. It costs $10 and its a round robin 4 way split screen in the movie theatre!! Id get my ass kicked but it might still be fun.
Heh, same here, but there were only like 150-175 people.

I had a friend that had this mini-movie theatre in his apartment complex that you could hook up your consoles too. It's so awesome, we'd play Halo 1 until security would kick us out. You should do it.
Halo 2 is a pretty good game. Can't wait for the next one.

They make us pay 85$ per game in Denmark so you shouldn't complain at all :yuk: