Hammers of Misfortune finally getting the attention they deserve?

J. Golden

Heaven and Hell Records
Oct 12, 2009
So Hammers of Misfortune has been signed to Metal Blade, the band's back catalog is being re-issued, there seems to be a push, and Classic Rock's Prog magazine has covered them in the past couple of issues.
Only two of us in this forum have I ever seen mention this band, myself and Jasonic (yeah we represent the real underground here). :) Now I'm wondering when I'm going to hear more. And when are they going to be on the ProgPower Stage? They would be a nice fit I think and they are truly "progressive" And seeing things like While Heaven Wept it is obvious that the fest is looking into much deserving areas for bands.
So Glenn when are they on the fest?

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So Hammers of Misfortune has been signed to Metal Blade, the band's back catalog is being re-issued, there seems to be a push, and Classic Rock's Prog magazine has covered them in the past couple of issues.
Only two of us in this forum have I ever seen mention this band, myself and Jasonic (yeah we represent the real underground here). :) Now I'm wondering when I'm going to hear more. And when are they going to be on the ProgPower Stage? They would be a nice fit I think and they are truly "progressive" And seeing things like While Heaven Wept it is obvious that the fest is looking into much deserving areas for bands.
So Glenn when are they on the fest?


hahahahaha funny. I mention them, not lots though, and Jasonic doesnt like them at all. They played the last Alehorn Fest and were great. I didnt like the last disc though. I think The Locust Years is one of my top 50 disc ever list.
hahahahaha funny. I mention them, not lots though, and Jasonic doesnt like them at all. They played the last Alehorn Fest and were great. I didnt like the last disc though. I think The Locust Years is one of my top 50 disc ever list.

My bad HAHA Maybe it was you I was thinking of and now I just gave Jasonic undeserved props. Well there's no accounting for taste I guess.
Ha, I dig Slough Feg, but I just couldn't get into Hammers live.
I heard from folks that I would dig their older stuff better.
I just never got around to checking it out.
Metal Blade is definitely getting back in tune with the underground, in doing the distro for Rise Above, and signing Hammers and Pentagram
They've been mentioned a bit here. Brilliant band. One of my favorites. Every album is excellent.
MB is a big deal. It means more touring and festival opportunities than running the show practically on your own. It seems that he wants to get more serious about live shows, which is evident from finally doing some Hammers shows across the U.S., as well as Ludicra shows (his other great band).
It basically means that he loses his publishing rights for slightly better distribution. MB's business model = sign a thousand smaller bands to horrible deals and hope 2 or 3 scamper out of the woodwork and manage to break out, or sign established acts to licensing deals.
It basically means that he loses his publishing rights for slightly better distribution. MB's business model = sign a thousand smaller bands to horrible deals and hope 2 or 3 scamper out of the woodwork and manage to break out, or sign established acts to licensing deals.

Well that is no secret, MB has done that for years. Still it does give better distribution and no matter how it really is most people will still see it as something positive. The average metal listener will take more notice now. And I'm sure having a name like that behind the band doesn't hurt. I can help but to wonder if that played a part of the decision in While Heaven Wept knowing about the soon signing with Nuclear Blast, perhaps it did not but I'm sure it was not a strike against the band. So same situation with a Metal Blade band.
J - I'm calling bullshit on your post above - I've been a fan since The August Engine, getting The Bastard retroactively then from Aquarius Records SF (home of their then label Tumult Recordings), really thanks to JimLoTFP. I've also included them in wishlists for years here now.

When Mike Scalzi left Hammers to make Slough Feg his permanent home, something changed.
J - I'm calling bullshit on your post above - I've been a fan since The August Engine, getting The Bastard retroactively then from Aquarius Records SF (home of their then label Tumult Recordings), really thanks to JimLoTFP. I've also included them in wishlists for years here now.

When Mike Scalzi left Hammers to make Slough Feg his permanent home, something changed.

I agree.....when Scalzi left the band did change. The last disc was very different and not as interesting as thier previous releases. I hope they dont go in this direction with thier new one once they get one going.

also....Ludicra is terrible. Basically a bunch of hipsters trying to play black metal and not very good either. Saw them at the same show as Slough Feg and Hammers.
J - I'm calling bullshit on your post above - I've been a fan since The August Engine, getting The Bastard retroactively then from Aquarius Records SF (home of their then label Tumult Recordings), really thanks to JimLoTFP. I've also included them in wishlists for years here now.

When Mike Scalzi left Hammers to make Slough Feg his permanent home, something changed.

bullshit on what?