
alright, i'm sorry, aand I know how hard it is too cook and guess at thesame time;) You I was just kiddin' I hope...

F L O C C I N A _ C I N I H I L I _ I L I F I C A T I O N

No R, G, B, S, Q, V.
since it's not a very wellknow word and I wouldn't be able to guess it myslef i'll give a hint to which letters you're still looking for.
Hint: "Q is a tiny bit too much just as B is to much for A and thesame goes for the V"
Very good Angeleyes:p

Main Entry: floccinaucinihilipilification
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an act or instance of judging something to be worthless or trivial
Etymology: the parts of the word each mean `at nothing' or `with a small price'
Nah, it's easy to do better. That was the worst word I did until now. Just put ut a word that can be guessed if there are only 2 letters missing and it crushed the word you just geussed right:)

I know you can do it milady;)