
angeleyes said:
And don't give me that face ok,
I like that now you're telling me what to do :rolleyes:
so in over 2 months you "had some internet problems,a new job,and no free time" to answer my pms/emails? I bet you were on this forum at least 50x in those 2 months. You come on like you're friendly then you just stop writing. Why don't you have the courtesy to say something like 'this is not working for me,so I won't be writing you any longer'
I know for a fact that you did the same thing to someone else who used to post here.
I just don't understand why you are like this? Sorry everyone but I had to get this off my chest.

Can i play now?
Yes of course you can
hey chris, I did not know there was a time limit. When I solved the last one I waited more than time you are complaining about and never did get an answer. Where were you then??? You people have your favorites on this forum and the hell with the rest of us.
btw please one guess per update. ok? or a person could guess say a e i o u or any number of letters at one time, again one letter per person per update.... THANKS

_ S _ _ R _ _ T

no... A,D,E,J
well bro, when you don't update it would make me think you:

A. Forgot about the word
B. Didn't really give a shit

Honestly man, if your going to post a word you should somewhat keep up on it so the other people can guess at it. That's the whole point. And if you're not going to be around to answer our guesses, then we may post 2 letters, because we still want to play. So here's a hug, because your obviously disgruntled about about the situation, and btw:

U? :p
chris-o-fer said:
Okay, bear with me as I try to explain this... I've been thinking about a way to possibly play hangman. Someone thinks of a word, puts down the blanks, then people guess letters, etc, and the author of the word fills the letters in as it goes. When a correct letter is chosen, a blank will be filled, when a wrong letter is chosen, a body part will be added to the list.
There will be a list of bodyparts along side the "word", and each time the author posts in the thread will update each. The person to guess the word then becomes the author and chooses a word. I hope this isn't too retarded or confusing. I'll start with the first word.
These are the rules *you* started this games with.
Don't see anything about a time limit,guessing more than one letter per update.
Changing the rules once a game has started is to quote you "confusing and retarted" :loco:

BTW bro, man, dude - I'm a woman :)
_ S _ _ R _ _ T

no, A,D,E,J,I,N

chris-o-fer is on my *ignore list* so they will not be part of this one game.