
_ B C D _ F G H :zombie: J K L M N :OMG: P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

- :zombie: - - :OMG:

sorry no D's for...i thought you woulD of got this by now DeaDly...:erk:.....morning...:wave:
_ B C D _ F G H :zombie: J K L M N :OMG: P Q _ _ _ U V W X Y Z

- :zombie: - - :OMG:

I'm sorry but there are no T's for, Tommy Tucker Tickles Terrys TiTs Today TonighT Twenever.......

_ B _ D _ F G H :zombie: J K L _ :rock: :OMG: P Q _ _ _ U V W X Y Z

- :zombie: :rock: - :OMG:

":yell:""YES" WE HAVE AN "N"for, Naughty Nurse Nibbles Nigel's Nuts.....NNNNNNNNNNice...:lol: