
No Y E N O I G B L V R M H and three bad guesses!!!! That is 15!!!!!! whoo hoo!

_ _ U

Hint, think college.
Nope, no z f s or flu.
No Y E N O I G B L V R M H C Z F S and four guesses.
_ _ U
Think of College and Pledging!!!!
Man, I tried to give you guys hints. College. Pledging.
Hell,the letters T and A should have been guessed first.
It is the Greek letter TAU.
All over the campuses around here.
All letters of the alphabet and 4 bad guesses. I guess I have won, but
I really feel sick and am not enjoying this at all! GoddammiT!
Alright Leprosy, you guessed the winning letters, you get to go next!
Good luck!!!!