Happy Birthday Neurotica!!!

thats not me, but yeah, I have. Already got a few buddies, I'm in the process of planning a trip in the summer to southern germany to stay with a guys grandparents and go hit the hills in his hometown. Should be sweet.

Btw, I think Neurotica is good looking. I'd rather have a large butt than a jagged hip bone in the scrotum.

"Want to go to that pub?"
"I mean, we don't have to if you don't want to, we can go somewhere else."
"I really don't care."
"Well, we could go to this pub down the street..."

/repeat 100 times.
hells yea ... i can tell there is something pudgy hiding there, but Russian chicks usually have a few extra rubles


In my book, the only thing more disgusting than a waddling white walrus who was airlifted off her couch, is a walking toothpick who smokes like a chimney and eats a no-fat, no-carb, no protein vitamin pill in order to stay a size -3(thousand) and complains about the smell of food, because the inhaled particles might cause her to gain 3 micrograms and not fit into her dress.