happy birthday, villain!

happy birthday!

Thank you, thank you! I don't know half of you half as well as I should, and I like more than half of you more than twice as much as you could imagine. :p

Originally posted by Siren
It's cool Villain :D :) Isn't it kinda small though?

Well, it is. I'd say about five centimeters (that's approximately two inches, for you non-metric people) in height.

My skin is a bit "angled" in the picture, so the proportions are not quite right (the left side is closer to the camera than the right, etc...)

But thanks again, all of you! :)

-Villain (old but happy)
Originally posted by Villain

Eh, any particular reason(s) for that? My childish behaviour, mayhaps? :u-huh:

Maybe the fact i never actually checked your profile? ;)
I think it must have been the essays you mentioned, thought you wrote them for school :)
And btw, your behaviour is not childish (not in the bad sense anyway) :)
Originally posted by Siren

Maybe the fact i never actually checked your profile? ;)
I think it must have been the essays you mentioned, thought you wrote them for school :)

Oh, I see. It is actually my fault, 'cause I perhaps should use the term university instead of school - but as this place where I study isn't actually a university, I don't know what to call it. The official translation, according to our language-teacher, is polytechnic, but I guess that says nothing to you (at least it didn't say anything to me when I first heard it). In reality, this is a place, from which you get an almost university-level papers but with far less work - which suits me :p. The finnish term is ammattikorkeakoulu.

So, I just call this place a school and those essays I write now and then are part of my studies (which I study now and then).

I hope that cleared some things out! :p

-Villain (a lazy student)
Originally posted by Villain
The official translation, according to our language-teacher, is polytechnic, but I guess that says nothing to you

it says something to me though. :)

polytechnic -> politecnico (italian). the place where ppl who wants to become an engineer study or just hang around. :p

rahvin. (cringing for personal reasons)
Oh, i see :)

We have some similar institutes here me thinks ;) Those are technological institutes, but a messy situation to explain.
We also have polytechnic schools me thinks, but they are university level and need a lot of work, so i don't think it's the same thing. Ok, i know i confused you now :p

But in your country, what's the point in going to university if you can get the same degree with far less work? :confused: :p

Siren (the ever-lazy)

Edit: polytechnic: it's what it means in greek too. it just takes a lot of work and is perhaps above university level (university standard is 4 years, polytechnic schools are 5)

2nd edit: it's polytehneio / ðïëõôå÷íåßï in greek
Well, we'd need a real professor to explain the Finnish educational system, but I'll shed some light on your thirsty minds.

Here in Finland we have many kinds of these polytechnics - for example, I study youthwork in Humanities Polytechnic (and no, I won't become a human engineer). Theoretically, my studies are university-level studies, but in practice I have much easier time - and will get less salary once I have finished my studies. The thing is that you can't study youthwork at university in Finland, but if I were in university I'd need to study something like social-work to do the kind of work I will do.

But if I studied to be an engineer in a polytechnic, it would probably be much harder than in university - and I think engineers gain more money as well. At least my soon-to-be-engineer friend gets already about 2000 euros a month - and he's still studying!

But as I'm not that greedy a person anyway, this polytechnic and its studies suit me fine - I think I will survive with 1200 euros a month the rest of my life.


EDIT: About the times, my studies should take three and a half years (but they will probably take somewhat longer), whereas the university standard here is about 5 years, I think.
@Villain: Chupi, it is more or less like the technological institutes in Greece :) They recently started being considered university-level (whereas they are somewhat lower), 3 1/2 years as well, and i think they get less salary in comparison to the university or polytechnic ppl.
Polytechnic = politécnico aswell here!
now for Spain's educational system...ehem....let's see....
normally "polytechnics" is used for some universities giving technological education...as Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya.
but I guess there are some "minor" shchools offering polytechnical studies aswell.
Now if I'm not mistaken, you cannot get a Humanities Polytechnic here, since those are at plain Universities or universitary schools...

fathervic (not poytechnical)