Hyvää syntymäpäivää VILLAIN!

When I saw this thread title I thought of Alamaailman Vasarat. Thusly I will listen to them in honor of this Villain chap.
Happy (belated) birthday, our dear and beloved Doctor! :)
May you get many many more happy bdays, and better ones at that, without backaches and other evil stuff. ;)
Me late too :(

Hyvää synttäriä kuitenkin
MagSec: Thanks man, that whiskey goes well with all the dope I've taken today. :goggly:

Anja: I couldn't think of anything else that would fit better with the DT-nametag than a Nylon Beat shirt. :grin:

Salkkari: Joo, silläpä näistä aika kuivat synttärit tulikin... :Smug:

Mousie: Yeah, now that I just came from sauna, I'm pretty much hottie :hotjump:, I think. And thanks for the cake, but I'll spare the wine for a more proper moment. :Spin:

Epitome of Evil: Coming from you, that means a lot. ;)

Alfred: Thankies!

Raziel: Not really my choice of music, but thanks anyway! :)

Onyx: :hotjump: :hotjump: :cool:

Opacity: Sorry for what? :confused: Thanks anyway!

Kovenant: I guess that makes us even. ;)

Siren: Thanks! I'm just a bit afraid that the days with back-ache are going to multiply as I grow older, but I'm hoping the best...

Hiljainen: Yes, me too - thanks!

Zeanra: Kiitokset! :)

Wazoo: Scholiertje, eh? Let me try to pronounce that in Finnish: Slyrppä. :grin:

Malaclypse: Thank you, sir.
