Tuska 2005

Not going, it's time to give up the tradition. Wasn't too hard really because of the bands but of course it would've been nice going there. However, having very limited amount of money and free time this summer (damn army) seems to be resulting in me only attending one festival this year. Bah. Have to get my revenge next year.
I'm going to see when Accept kicks everyone's ass! Great bands also will be there: Testament, Gamma Ray, Destruction, Dimmu, Ajattara, etc.etc...see ya there! ;)
Skyclad is a good replacement. Just a shame Walkyier isn't in the band anymore. Didn't really know anything about Bal-Sagoth, only have one album on the computer...actually it's exactly the same with Skyclad, with the exception Folkémon is really good.
Hitori said:
Tuska 2004 > every other tuska :p

I have been there only 2003 and 2004, and been sober both times. This time I will take alcohol with me as much as i can carry to the area, and then wait for the guys to carry me.

And why i though i had replied to this thread ?
So, how was everyone's Tuska? :) I was a bit disappointed in Dimmu, it wasn't nearly as good as i was expecting. Though i was also a bit too drunk during the gig so i just sat on the ground and ate :/ I drank way too much on saturday, so today i was pretty much dead.
Got late on friday because we got lost on our way to rastila. Missed teräsbetoni and finntroll, hooked up with Zeanra and dudestes almost right after the arrival. got a bit drunk.
I saw some bands on saturday and got a bit drunk again. missed stam1na and children of bodom on sunday, because i woke up at 5 pm. got home around 3 am.
bands i wanted to see: teräsbetoni, finntroll, pain confessor, dimmu borgir, children of bodom, stam1na and senteced.
bands i saw: pain confessor, borgir, sentenced, plus few songs from few bands.

should have slept less, otherwise kind of succes.
Tuska was once again great! A lot of good bands, friends, alcohol, sun and what not. :cool: I'll post some pictures later and I'd like to see other Tuska people's pics too, pls. :p
Once more, INTO THE PIT. Aah, Testament was so good.
Like I suspected, I wasn't too much into the hanging out and drinking your brains gone thing, but I enjoyed the whole festival a lot since hanging around with friends was still fun and some of the bands were just awesome.
Namely, Testament, Evergrey, Destruction and Naglfar rocked my world, as would have Skyclad if I would've known more of the songs and had been more in the mood...or if they'd have played The Antibody Politic which they dabbled with in the soundcheck. Hadn't heard much of Naglfar or Destruction either but they were easier to get into the mood with, especially Destruction, insane gig. NAILED TO THE FUCKING CROSS!

Didn't see any of the forum people, except maybe Lolita once and am not sure of even that. Didn't bother taking any pictures either...I'm like that.
Didn't see any of the headliners. Better be some good ones next year. Even Sentenced was boring.

Still, a total blast.
That should have been interesting if TheFourthHorseman would have said hello to me. As far as I recall, I haven't seen any pictures of him and therefore have no idea how he looks like. :)
Fireangel said:
I seldom read such a lively and enthusiastic post of you :) Please go on :cool:
You haven't read the ones where I was annoyed with something then. Granted, a different kind of liveliness and enthuasism.

I could linger on pointlessly, and I did, but it wouldn't server any purpose that I can see. Nevertheless, some random observations:
When I left after Testament, Amoral's singer was yelling "Make a pit goddamn it!" in the tent.
Naglfar should've played on the main stage instead of Dimmu Borgir. Could've maybe seen And The World Shall Be Your Grave then.

Don't think it was Lolita who I thought I saw, unless she has gotten her hair cut since Nummi.
Hmm yeah I suppose it would have, but then, I would have not.

Oh and there were so many foreign people at the hostel that I was staying at. First there were one Englishman from India and a Finn + 3 of his Finnish Swede-friends who barged in with him and got thrown out the same night (:p) and once they had all left a Korean guy shared the room with me on the last night. I probably spoke more English in these three days than all my life put together if you exclude the English spoken in school. Weird.
The Korean guy gave me a Korean navy lieutenant's insignia as "a gift for a friend." Pretty cool.

Hey and bought a shirt too. An Evergrey shirt with the logo in red/yellow and "I am my own god" below the logo and on the backside. How cliched, but it's fitting (the shirt in size and the text in interpretation :)) so whatever.
got back from Tuska monday night.
here's my plot:

hot as hell :zombie:
dust got in my eyes.
sentenced: a live funeral as always (less intoxication would make the whole singing-affair much more professional but I never expected ville to ever have a stunning good voice live anyway :rolleyes: )
apocalyptica were great.
amoral were fine too. (though i liked the gig in austria better - dunno why)
i was not the least interested in accept, destruction, primal fear, gamma ray.
i was not prepared to see finntroll for the 5th time.
heard another opeth-esque band. (Callisto)
from rotten sound I expected more :/
same with deathchain :/
lake of tears served a good contrast program to rotten sound.
too many teenagers with ...exceptional... :tickled: taste.
generally i was very much surprised that approx. 70% were hardly 20 years of age. at least so it seemed to me.
too many times people tripped over me as I was sitting in the grass, sipping my drink - at times i really wondered if i perhaps was invisible?
got chatted up by a drunk finn who was more pitiable than funny.
the squirrels in helsinki are shameless, which is good for taking lots of pics :grin:
witnessed a fight on seurasaari: swan versus male duck.
I have no idea what "saatanaako tuijotat" could mean, but the lady at the merch said it would suit me better than the girlie shirt with the line-up on the back :confused:
my friend locked ourselves out of our room cos these goddamned northern doors have this kinky mechanism that is a COMPLETE NUISSANCE to a nescient unsuspecting central-european :yell:

apple/grape- and pear-cider rule to no end :blush:

and the big winner of the whole festival was EVERGREY :hotjump:
this is good live-performance to me - I'm still quite taken with the voice :rock:

bands I have not mentioned I have either missed or don't remember clearly anymore :p
opacity said:
I have no idea what "saatanaako tuijotat" could mean, but the lady at the merch said it would suit me better than the girlie shirt with the line-up on the back :confused:
It's basically "What the hell are you looking at?", with the exception that here "satan" is a swearword and would more or less replace "hell." The sentence isn't completely similar in other ways either, because it can also be interpreted, especially a Tuska shirt, as "You looking at Satan?"