meetings at tuska

God damn it. So much for reducing the size of the pics reducing the physical size as they appear on UM. Can someone from the powers that be please delete my above post, the pics are so huge that somehow the "EDIT POST" button has dissapeared from my screen. Feel free to look at the photobucket account till I can get home and resize pics. *Does not want to go home on Friday* :waah:
ouagadougou said:
aaww, besides i'm sure Mikael won't mind :) they are nice pictures after all, nothing to be ashamed of
Yes. he looks like an angel when he sleeps. :Saint: As for you though, shush! Or I'll post that pic of you I <3 so much. :Smug:

@Michele: Did you read my last post? Could you PLEASE delete my post with all the pics... :waah: I don't want to be known as the guy who posts HUGELY-INFLATED-BIG-ARSE-PICS now do I? :rolleyes:

edit: W00t. post deleted!! :D

Oh and don't worry Rus, Frank Butcher ain't got NOTHIN' on you. :Smug:
Nice pic. (lense flare included)
idari said:
NO ONE is allowed to see pics of me without my permission! Except Lasse maybe :p (Yes i said that on purpose, but it's true anyway)
no one is allowed to see pics of anybody without their permission, with a few exceptions.
that you insist on pointing this out about yourself seems to suggest that: (1) scores of people are interested in seeing pics of you; (2) the issue of who gets to see pics of you is something of unbelievable importance. while 1 might even be true (but don't worry, it's not going to last more than a few years), 2 clearly isn't, and spike is right.
thanks you rahvin. santtu, may I also ask, does the list of people who CAN'T see your pics include THE PEOPLE WHO WERE ACTUALLY THERE AND SAW YOU AT THE FESTIVAL? :err:

next time read a lil' closer.
Just in case someone is holding back his/her pictures because I haven't clearly stated the following - here you go:

I, Villain, hereby proclaim that everyone here on UM or anywhere else in the world is allowed to post, publish and broadcast anywhere they want all kinds of photographs, drawings, video-clips or any other media that portrays me in any place, position or form. Thank you. :grin:

Now, go posting all those remaining pictures, goddammit! :yell:

fireangel said:
*grins* I just say the opposite ;) but anyhow as I avoided it carefully to be on any pics, I should be only on the one that was made at the last evening after visiting the restaurant. I hope it comes without name-tags, though, so that only those who know me in real life recognize me *regrets*
sorry to tell you that there has already been name-tags.
Villain said:
I, Villain, hereby proclaim that everyone here on UM or anywhere else in the world is allowed to post, publish and broadcast anywhere they want all kinds of photographs, drawings, video-clips or any other media that portrays me in any place, position or form. Thank you. :grin:
how about photoshopping them, mister? :heh: