finns wanted (tuska 04)

Wolfman Von Jones said:
Well the cheapest flight I could find will cost me about $1,607. So unless I hit it big in Vegas, count me out.

If that's USD you're STILL getting away cheaper than I am.... lucky bastard. :bah:

C'mon man, you'll be missed. :cry:
Spike I dont even know who the hell you are really :p. Why would you miss this hot piece of Italian-American love? :D

Hearing all of this kissing talk makes me want to watch myself around Michele, good thing Im over a foot taller than him :p.

Nick, going from Baltimore, I got the airfare down to about $900 by searching for the legs seperately, as was already suggested -- first to London, then Helsinki.

Travelocity only gave me one choice, stopping in Ireland, for $2268! I wonder why. I always thought they were legit.
I found a round trip flight from Chicago to Helsinki for only about $1,200. That is feasible, I could get that without much of a problem. Now I just need to have where I am staying set in concrete and Im in buisness :D.

Wolfman Von Jones said:
Why would you miss this hot piece of Italian-American love? :D
Who precisely are we talking about here? :err:

Wolfman Von Jones said: myself around Michele, good thing Im over a foot taller than him :p.
Dude, everyone's at least a foot taller than Michele. ;) (Sorry Michele :cry: ) or at least, that's the impression that I get around here. How tall are you anyway then? I'm 6"2'.

Oh, and any disrepancy in physical stature made by Rahvin is more than made up for my his overawing prescence, stature, and bearing. :eek:

Rahvin :rock:'s
I wish interesting people would stop considering going to Tuska, it's making it harder to stay away from it.
well, i'm starting to think about going, too. what is off-putting is the very uncomfortable accommodation perspectives - i'm just well over the phase of my life where i liked tents, youth hostels and other rough sleeping opportunities. i just get sick (sore back, bad tummy etc) and very tired, something i don't want for my very few holidays. as far as i understand, going to a big festival requires doing this kind of shit, which sort of motivates me to stay home...
you can stay whereever you please and what you can afford. I for my would not stay in YH if I could afford something better (what I can´t :cry: ...) There are plenty of hotels right in the center, no problem. Just be prepared everyone will want to visit you there ;)
well, i don't want to be on my own, that's more or less the point... i can afford anything, i've been taking no holidays for AGES now :cry:
@hyena: wherever i'm gonna be, you can obviously be there too if you want. yet i might end up somewhere rough, or not at all, as in without proper accomodations. it's much too early for me to know anything about it, and it depends on too many factors as of now. but rest assured you'll receive all the information as soon as i have it myself.
@rahvin: i'll be ready, manowar-style, with sword and shield. what do you mean "might up end up" etc? Which powerful, unseen forces are behind what happens to you (us)? Clarify.

@fire: worry not. money will come to you, sooner or later.
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@hyena: alas, i am hostage to my fellow forumers and the band, which means that accordingly to the developments of painstakingly accurate organization, i shall see where and when and how my feet shall take me. however, with might up end up, i would certainly just mean that i'm confused. :p
you see, i mentioned manowar, so might up was absolutely necessary. and from what i see, we have no future re this specific circumstance: i'd better stay home and all.
you know, not getting a choice annoys me mightily. i am way past the point of having others pick things for me, in this and other departments. deciding together, yes. waiting for someone to tell me where i have to sleep no, sorry.