finns wanted (tuska 04)

Qsilver said:
You know that you'll end up joining all us cool people. Unless you have A flu, of course :p
You really are a git and a half. :p Anyway, the decision depends on a few things and is a long way away.
hyena said:
well, i'm starting to think about going, too. what is off-putting is the very uncomfortable accommodation perspectives - i'm just well over the phase of my life where i liked tents, youth hostels and other rough sleeping opportunities. i just get sick (sore back, bad tummy etc) and very tired, something i don't want for my very few holidays. as far as i understand, going to a big festival requires doing this kind of shit, which sort of motivates me to stay home...
You see hyena, there's 'roughing it', and then there's 'roughing it', so unless you're a far more delicate little flower than any of us were expecting, then I'm sure we can come to some sort of accomodation that will meet everyone's requirements. ;) More importantly however, if you're a 'festival virgin' like the above post would seem to indicate, then now's as good a time as any to get your cherry popped. I mean, you're not getting any younger you know. :rolleyes:

hyena said:
you know, not getting a choice annoys me mightily. i am way past the point of having others pick things for me, in this and other departments. deciding together, yes. waiting for someone to tell me where i have to sleep no, sorry.
I don't think Michele was going as far as to say he would be making all the decisions himself, but I'm sure you can see the logistics involved in that many people all having their say simultaneously it nightmarish in proportions. I assume that after a little research he'll be putting a series of 'suggestions' before us, so it's not like you have to say 'yea' or 'neigh' now. right, Rahvin? I'm sure he'll be accepting input and suggestions too, I think the point is that we need someone central to pass all our information back and forth through till we come to any well informed decisions, and if that's the case.... Rahvin is our man. ;)

Then again I could be wrong in all of this.....

All that said though, I'm still quite keen on the idea of a group of us renting a house for the week (provided it's close enough to the event ie: Espoo/Helsinki, or there is some form of organised transport if we end up 'out of town') at this stage I'd say I could comfortably cough up up to 100 EUROS for the weeks rent if necessary, but at the moment I'm just ball-parking it.

I'll be researching this myself once I've sorted out and finalised some other aspects like transportation (Eurail Passes, Flights, Accomodation) for my trip, and again when I arrive in the counrty in April. Hopefully I will be able to offer some constructinve input before then.

Anyway, it's that time again. Nite. :wave:


Lolita Vampiriá said:
I will be at Tuska and I am not interesting. So should be easy for you to stay away then. :tickled:
Oh but Loli, I will be at Tuska too, so Wusty simlpy MUST make his way there now. :Smug:

*watches everybody run for the hills* :(

rahvin said:
:eek: tell me you're not joking. :)
[99]he's kidding you*[/99]

*bonus poins for anyone who can pick that obscure reference. ;) Oh, and I don't think he's kidding Michele, Thanny is really trying to get there. :)
@spike: some facts about my supposed event virginity. i've got a whole european Bad Religion tour under my belt (sleeping in airports, of all things), the M'Era Luna festival in Germany (sleeping - in the literal sense - with rahvin, of all things, in the same hotel where most bands stayed), and about one hundred + shows across Europe and USA scattered in the past 10 years, ranging from London to Barcelona to Washington DC, metal and punk and ska and reggae and electronic and classical and whatever. i've also set up gigs myself and met bands and produced records and played music. so you might want to check your facts before stating something about my inexperience in all things musical events. if you don't believe me, ask any of my friends.

the rest of your post is correct. i was just being irritable, but then again, this is what i am, i can't make it stop. i have a bad temper.

this notwithstanding, i'll wait for further instructions re all this meetup thing, but i don't think anyone's preferences should represent a constraint on the common decision. i mean, honestly, who cares about what i want to do? and this is not because of my insignificance, but because there's 1 of me, exactly as there's 1 of any of the rest. we might need to have polls etc but i'd say that majority rule should be adopted. that's why i was so bitter, yet this doesn't make me against the principle.
hyena said:
(sleeping in airports, of all things),
the mere knowledge of whom you've been sleeping in airports with (no, it wasn't me this time) should convey to everyone the feeling that you are much harder than anybody else and able to face any kind of discomfort. since i happened to survive a similar experience about 18 months later, i'm a survivor too. and you even had the mitigating circumstance that she was not trying to take your clothes off.
I am now doubly more unlikely to be at Tuska. Might be best to not include me on that Big Gay Pink List of yours Rahvin, just in case I get overly violent.
@rusty: yeah, i got it, i'm sorry. if you change your mind, we're not going anywhere for a while.

@v_c: no, that's another story. but still a tubby was involved. we must have some sort of magnet, hyena and i. :o
Yeah, I'm sorry too. I just thought I should announce it here because it's more official. :p And unfortunately it's not my mind that's the problem, so there's nothing to change there. But of course I'll come skipping back if things do change. ;)
Thanatos said:
I'm not, however I'm not 100% sure yet, so I don't want to get too excited ;)
*buys a wedding dress* :')

I'll get back to you on the weekend when I have more time hyena. ;)