meetings at tuska

Now after few days of that ultimate experience, i just have to say that i had fucking great time.
On my case everything worked out even better that i´ve could even think about.
And btw, post #60 to this thread got me a beer at tavastia, which is really something. :)

Thank you all, but especially you Rahvin!
It was a lot of fun meeting a bunch of you and I was sad that I had so little time there that I couldn't talk to everyone. I just saw Idari, Hearse, Zeanra and others before I went off with Lina and Rahvin to see Soilwork. I only watched them a short while before I went and stood in line to buy a DT hoodie and then I was off to the train station... I had met Lina before so I knew she was nice. But rahvin was such a sweetie, and I'm so glad I got to meet him. :) Next year I will DEFINITELY be there the full 3 days. I'm banning all family reunions.

Take care everyone.

I have a feeling that most um people were drunk but I could be wrong since I was wasted myself :yell: (and I didn't see all of them). I remember talking to rahvin for quite a while but I have no idea what so ever we were talking about. :blush: Sorry rahvin. If you can, pls refresh my memory.
My Tuska-report

I have small bruises and wounds all over my body and legs, sunburns in my neck and my arms, an annoying headache, stupid cough, blisters all over my feet, nasty infections at my toenails, plus my back hurts like hell, my gums are still bleeding, I can barely raise my hands above my head and my nose and lungs are full of snot and dust. Still, it was well worth all that. :goggly:

To make it short, it was an amazing experience, something that I will probably remember for the rest of my life. For the past several months, I've been unable to shake the feeling of desperation concerning my graduation out from my head; during the last weekend I felt nothing of that and now I actually feel like I could really start working on it once again - I just hope this feeling stays.

I went there to see only one band (yeah, guess which one :p), but actually I was quite positively surprised by many other bands as well. Especially seeing Iron Maiden warm-up for Dark Tranquillity was a pleasure - it was a very nice gesture from them. :) Too bad they played mainly songs from their new not-yet-released album; Powerslave was very good, nevertheless. :grin:

Dark Tranquillity were simply fabulous. I'm currently unable to go any deeper analysing the gig, as I still feel emotionally overloaded. Perhaps in a few days I'll try to write something constructive about it. Anyways, as can be seen from the pictures (at Gtranquillity's site, for example), I truly felt like a 6-year old kid at a candyshop during their performance :blush:. Of course, as a a payback, I've pretty much felt like a 60-year old geezer ever since. :erk:

Overall, the atmosphere at Tuska was excellent. All the people were happy, polite and respectful to others; the security included (although they did not allow me to "ride" on Salamurhaaja's back for longer than a few seconds during the DT-show).

Thanks to each and every one of you who showed up at Tuska - it was a pleasure to meet you and I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to talk with all of you as much as I'd have wanted. I want to see you again some day.

Extra special thanks and hello go to the following people (sorry for not mentioning everyone:

- Rahvin, first and foremost, for simply making most (if not all) of it possible and for being a far more likable (and gay :p) person than I had imagined. I definitely need to meet you again.

- Gtranquillity for both the interesting discussions we had and for listening to my not so interesting ramblings. I'll write you soon. :)

- Qsilver for the hospitality. I owe you more than one.

- Salamurhaaja for being such a jovial big teddybear - I hope your grim and true image didn't get completely shattered. :)

- Fireangel for the talks we had. Btw, Jules was extremely grateful for what you did. :cool:

- Ormir and Naku for the hot nights we spent together. :muahaha:

- Rusty for being a very nice guy. Congratulations for winning the title of "The Owner of the Best Hole in the Planet". :grin:

- Spike for being such a reliable and funny person - sorry for doubting your strength and balance, man.

- Yayo for being rather light to carry - hope you are feeling all fine by now.

- Hearse, Orchid and the other Thales-guys for the autographs. :)

- Zeanra for taking good care of my cap. Although I have to say I was pretty damn worried about it at Friday-evening. Had you somehow lost it... :bah:

- Last but not least, the wonderful members of the band. As many people said on Sunday, only extremely rarely are bands of DT's stature willing to do so much for their fans, and in so many ways. A most sincere thank you, and I hope we'll see again soon. :worship:

Also, my apologies to the entire English-speaking world - my pronounciation went from bad to horrible during the course of the weekend. I'll try not to rape the English language as much in the future.

I just wrote a huge reply and of course this fucking bitch of a payable internet cafe
piece of shit lost it aaaaaaaaaargh

*sigh* I will answer later when I'm on a _REAL_FUCKING_COMPUTER_.

:p i felt awful for being indirectly responsible. and its a shame we couldnt say goodbye, but well, good luck, i hope you find that inflames tshirt for your sister! (we did try to find one, in case you dont remember, but they were sold out)
@fireangel: you saw Sentenced :waah: I couldn't be there since the gig was held in Tampere :bah: and I had to wake up early on Friday. It's been a year since I saw Sentenced last time in Wacken, damnit. Ville & co. should do gigs more in Finland too.

Btw, we didn't see at Tuska at all. :/ Anyway I didn't see/meet many Umers (some of them though as mentioned before) since I was hanging out with my friends 99% of the time. But things like this happen, can't be in two places at one time. Tuska was supercool festival as always and the next one coming up is Wacken.
My tuska story is short. Friday inflames, saturday Dark Tranquillity and i see some of UM members middle of DT set. but when DT stopped and i try find them, i didint found nobody. I have bad luck. Maybe nextime.
haha yes i promise, we looked and looked but they had run out the day before. they didnt have any DT shirts either. so you can safely and honestly tell her that you looked and there was nothing available.
I've just remembered, thank you Diana for the free beer tokens. :grin: I used the first one on me to check that they were actually accepted in the "public" beer tents, and then the other 2 went on me and Zeanra later on. :p Come to think of it, some of the best times happened in the beer tent, especially slagging In Flames off.