Happy Birthday

Hey! The party thread! Happy B day everyone!!!:grin:

So, that done... hand over the beer Morg! I´ll light the bbq! Anyone for chillinuts?

*puts my feet up*

This was great, more threads like this... I´ll stay here a while...:)

-phyros (sick and tired of that bloody Zoophysiology book)
Happy bd!!

Party thread, indeed; that's cool! You bring the beer, I'll bring the mead!:grin:

But dammit, it's not so easy to remember everyones birthdays, so maybe I'll chech all the profiles and make a list.... Only that'd take forever! But, hey, anything for the forum and all the nice ppl here, right! ;)
Wheeeeaaa! *using all my hands to drink* OK! This is gonna be one helluva party!

-phyros (bringing four plates of KOFF)