Happy New Year!


Nov 11, 2003
Miami, FL
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i hope everyone has a good year this year, filled with lots of good music. i hope symphony x's next album is just as amazing as the rest.

if you guys have new years resolutions share them.

mine are to get a job, a car, and do well in college.
Thank you, and happy new year to all!

My new years resolution: NOT to have a new years resolution, because by the time January 7th rolls around, I will have broken them, and it'll just be like ... shit.

Wishing you all a very happy new year..may 2004 bring you much love, joy, and success!
Happy new year, guys! I'm a little late on this, but I wasn't near a computer when the ball dropped and all that.

Resolution - To get some bitchin' guitar skills, get into college, and not suck at college. :D