happy reformation day (halloween)


Aug 3, 2008
North Carolina
I've spent my holiday as I should have: drinking good german beer and chillin hard with the guys.:kickass: I am currently at B6
I hate Halloween.
We spent ours trick or treating in our shitty neighborhood. God DAMN we live near some lame ass people. :(

I did listen to "Black Sabbath" (the whole album) though :heh:
No, I was just following my little borthers and sisters around.

I fucking hate this holiday. Seriously.
Nah, some kids just go trick or treating blah blah blah... When your too old it's just buying candy for kids you don't even know... And they send some horror movies on TV. Other then that theres nothing special. Except some people visit the church and remember the dead...
What the fuck is reformation day? Are Coroner coming back? :O

reformation day is the day that Martin Luther naild his 95 theses to the church door and effectively told the catholic church to shove their corrupt, hatemongering, fear breeding bullshit it up their collective asses. this event eventually lead to the concepts of individual freedom, and mutual respect that are so prevalent today.
Nah, some kids just go trick or treating blah blah blah... When your too old it's just buying candy for kids you don't even know... And they send some horror movies on TV. Other then that theres nothing special. Except some people visit the church and remember the dead...

actually, it's kinda spread to older people in recent years. highschool and University students will have big costume parties and as allways, Drink alot. I was actually working at the local club friday night and everyone who came to see the band was in costume. as for myself, I just went to my mate's house and hung out, drank a few beers and watched TV.