Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well wishes for an awesome Thyanksgiving from
Wes,Vanessa,Cindy and Ray from Rapture Radio!
You all RAWK!

*DISCLAIMER:Rapture is well awate that Canadian Thanksgiving is in October and that alot of our freinds in Europe celebrate on a differant day as well,Well Mr.Smarty Smart Smart you couldnt just accept a jolly f**king greeting from an outherwise pissed off buncj of people now could you! Well were gonna get f**cked up on Triptophan and snort some damn cranberry sauce without your punk ass.Happy day anyhow prick smoke a bowl or something...........

**Disclaimer 2:Though PETA has declared this day the Turkey Holocaust please let it be known that if this is true we are the Third F**king Reich! We Love you all..........