Happy Thanksgiving!

I personaly don't care what it's about, if I do like the lyrics then It gets extra points, but that is not what comes first for me but in some cases important. I listen to some satanic bands like Dissection, Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Immortal, some Old Man's Child and some other stuff. I could care less what they sing about. The only band I respect lyrically out of those is Dissection, actually they're lyrics are beutifally written and they don't say satan this, satan that, satan rapes god and jesus type crap.
dargormudshark said:
I love it when they contradict themselves

Yeah I liked how they talked shit about Creed when just a couple years ago VH1 ate, drank, and breathed Creed. A lot of the stuff on that show wasn't even metal.
I’m almost certain that every person has had that misconception of Metal before even listening to it. Almost everyone has false impressions of music universally because we assume and discriminate an entire genre of music after hearing maybe a few songs from that genre. There is excellent music in all varieties but in order to see it for yourself you must be open minded and look for them. I didn’t take anything VH1 had to say too seriously, I just had a good time watching it. Let VH1 be ignorant and let MTV suck for they don’t even know what Metal is. :rock:
magnificent melody said:
I’m almost certain that every person has had that misconception of Metal before even listening to it. Almost everyone has false impressions of music universally because we assume and discriminate an entire genre of music after hearing maybe a few songs from that genre. There is excellent music in all varieties but in order to see it for yourself you must be open minded and look for them. I didn’t take anything VH1 had to say too seriously, I just had a good time watching it. Let VH1 be ignorant and let MTV suck for they don’t even know what Metal is. :rock:

Well Put :rock:
Oh lighten up, folks..it was a funny show; even when they were slamming stuff that was actually cool, they were funny about it, no need to get all defensive..just laugh. :)
Well, yeah, VH1 does suck, but it is easily avoided. Let us not lose sight of the true meaning of Thanksgiving- feasting until gravy pours out of your ears.
Did anyone see that Manowar's "Blow You Speaksers" on the least metal songs of all time? Manowar kills, but that song is the lamest song ever, besides "All Men Play on Ten". How can the most metal band ever record such bad songs? Besides; is "metal" even an adjective?
I guess it doesn't matter. I feasted and then I slept. It was glorious.
Here i come 5 days late...

Thanksgiving was pretty cool. I went to two dinners and stuffed my face at both(I am 6 feet 2 inches and I work out daily, so i eat A LOT!!). That night I stayed up until about 4 am with my cousins. That was the first time I ever got seriously drunk. It was fun, but it didnt help the next day. Friday I played full contact football with my friends for about 5 hours. I came home bearly able to stand. That evening I finished the leftovers :rock: !
soundgarden said:
Friday I played full contact football with my friends for about 5 hours. I came home bearly able to stand.

Traditionally I go to my uncle's house but not this year. I have friends on the basketball team here and they say that practice starts the day after Thanksgiving, and everyone pukes all over the place since they're all out of shape and full from turkey.
Beelzebub said:
Traditionally I go to my uncle's house but not this year. I have friends on the basketball team here and they say that practice starts the day after Thanksgiving, and everyone pukes all over the place since they're all out of shape and full from turkey.

Its funny you said that. My cousin in on his school's soccer team. He is the goalie. THey had practice Friday around Noon. At one point the ball hit him in his stomach and he threw up on the field. If that was not embarrasing enough, there were pictures taken :grin:

During thanksgiving my entire family usually go to my uncle's house and we stay there all weekend, but he went away on vacation.