Happy Valentines day!


fantastic idiot
Oct 22, 2003
up north
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...to all of you! :wave:
have a nice one dears!
Tara saw her father with coming home with flowers this morning...
he couldn't keep that a secret because she was yelling: MAMA Daddy has brought flowers AGAIN :rolleyes:
(and she rolled her eyes!)
as if he brings me flowers every day :)
Valentine's day my ass :mad: It's a commercial bunch of shit... My girlfriend and me luckily think the same about this. You gotta love each other eaqually through the whole year, and not extra much on some "special" day. It's the same with Christmas.
I'm in a completely anti-romantic mood now, taxation and stuff, it turns out I gotta pay 4000 euros for last year's tax and health insurance and what not, which I'm not in the possession of at the moment. I just can't believe this whole system, here are the figures, to make you feel this is just completely wrong (I can't even find the right word, ehh).

My gross income of 2003: 7114 euros
My costs that can be deduced from this sum (as I'm a self-employed person, fuck it): 1938 euros
That leaves me 5176 euros, from which I have to pay

VAT: 496 euros
Health insurance, pensionary insurance: 2376 euros
Income tax: 1074 euros

Which theoretically leaves me 1230 euros to live on per year! That's 102,5 euros per month. To begin with, my rent is 128 euros per month, which means that if I paid all of the above, I would be fucked right from the start. Not that I'm not bankrupt this way too, but at least I can eat. But the debts are accumulating.

In short,

I feel fucked over.


This country sucks. Cause, fuck it, I feel I work all the time just to have more and more debts, and I don't even know what the fuck I could do as an extra. This is how our system rears cheaters, well, it's been rearing cheaters and bandits since the last war.

Sorry for the lengthy post, but at least it made me realize that the situation IS desperate :lol:

(Though I found 10 euros two days ago -- funny, we're not even in the EU yet :D -- but surely, as soon as we are, I'll fuck off from here. People in McDonald's restaurants make more money.)
hmm, i forgot it was valentines day :lol: - i think im becoming rather good at keeping out of the way of things, i ya get me. would have been nice for someone to say 'hey claire did i ever tell you that your amazing and i want to be with you?' - that is, someone who i feel the same about - but alas, no such luck :erk:
i did cheer myself up by wearing my uber cool leather pants and anathema tshirt to work :headbang: - stir up a bit of controversy in good old B&Q :hotjump: :lol: