Hardcore band Bogner/Slate

Did you record two guitar tracks, or did you get one and time delay it, cus the guitars have something wierd going on there, like a pair of out of phase speakers sound.

its actually a DI track with podfarm with brian hood's bigbottom modified a bit with an actual miced bogner uberschall through a celestion v30 the bogner is turned wayyyyyy down so you are mainly hearing podfarm
Guitars are really sounding out of phase, and because of that they sound really thin. Vocals can be brought up a LITTLE and i'm having a hard time understanding the lyrics. Might be an articulation thing.

Furthermore i think the mix overall sounds very muffled too. I would consider another drumsound too, but that's just personal ;)
I like it but I agree with ShallowEulogy, it sounds kinda muffled. Especially the drums which give them a distant sound. I think it might be the bass guitar. It sounds like it's overpowering the drums and that they might share the same frequency spectrum. Personally I'd try to bring out the drums a little more and try to get them to sound more focused but that's also a personal preference.
I dig the song :headbang: Old school punk parts remind me a little of old Shai Hulud.
its actually the guys preference. the vocalist is also a guitar player and wanted it to sound really muddy. he showed me dead swans as an example. i had the guitar alot brighter, and he hated it.

as far as the out of phase sounding.. i honestly cant hear it. may just be where im listening to it. the speakers really arent in the ideal placement.

i appreciate the input. i will definitely see what i can do about the guitar sound tho.

i definitely hear what it is now and i think it is because of the low pass i put on it. i eq'd it really muddy since thats what he wanted. ill remix it for my personal preference and repost it.