Hardcore mix trying my hand at Recto toanz and distorted Superior drums.

Ice Man

Sep 18, 2006
West Palm Beach, FL
Lemme know what you think. Did a favor for some local-band friends of mine and threw something together real quick for their intro. Experimented with lots of superior room sound, both compressed heavily as well as aux distortion and really liked how the impact of the drums came out. Wasn't going for the commercial, overly clinical feel, so there is some congestion in the low mids/upper lows, but with the limited experience I have with tracking rectifiers and trying some new drum mixing, I rather dig how it came out. I didn't even have to use artificial reverb for the kit.

Music starts at :46

It sounds pretty good balance wise. You could probably cut out a little more fizz from that recto, and it sounds like the drums are clipping pretty hard. But other than that, I got nothin.
I'm sure the toms have some clipping going on, but the drums themselves also have distortion blended in. Just went for something dirty, punchy, and loud!:p

Thanks so much for the listen and the input!
I'd say cut back the distortion. It's alright to have a clipper on it to eat peaks, but that's a little too audible, because it's distracting from the overall experience. Try smashing the shit out of your drum buss with a comp and blend it in with the original signal. it gets pretty fuckin loud that way.