Hardcore/Rock would appreciate some sentences of you

Sounds alright; there's just some frequencies missing and I don't particularly like the snare sound in this mix.

Bit of a lack of bass for starters and some of the instruments are crowding to the point where there is no clarity.

That lead guitar is too quiet. You can't even hear it in the beginning (well I can but it's still too soft).

Apart from all this I actually like this mix. Very much. It has potential.

EDIT: On a second listen it's growing on me as it has for you! Oh no! :lol:
Hey Rick,
thanks for your answer.

Would be nice if you point some things out:
- can you locate the missing freqs?
- the bass lacks only at the first part or generally? Would you push the bass generally or just some frequencies?

Thank you!
(And more respnonses would be very appreciated!)