Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle

exciar, really? do a lot of koreans in korea feel this movie portrays koreans unfairly? i haven't seen this movie yet, but i always hear how much asian-americans love this movie because they feel like it's an actual non-stereotypical portrayal of them. a scary number of the movies in the US where asian people appear, they're always portrayed as kung-fu masters and math nerds with stupid "asian" accents, so i think that for once, it was really refreshing to asian-americans that "harold and kumar" was about an asian acting in non-stereotypically asian ways, being a stoner, etc...but that's just what i hear. i'd really like to see this movie!
Josh Seipp said:
it wasn't that, I think it was like EVERY OTHER ASIAN in the movie who was pretty stereotypical.

I didn't mean to imply that I had a problem with that - I actually think that the main characters being so normal and having to interact with these charicatures was a very deft move on the part of the writer & director, as they are so baffled and put off by what they encounter.
apparently two dudes who went to my high school wrote that script and i don't have a clue who they are.
The idea that kids across America will be quoting two Asian American guys, slapping Harold and Kumar stickers on their drug paraphernalia and watching this movie over and over makes me feel like we have arrived in a whole new way.

We're now more fully comfortable embracing deliquents of all races. This is the exact opposite cultural movement African Americans are trying to establish.
you consider harold and kumar delinquents? interesting.

when i watched this movie i felt like mia (without the "we" thing, i guess). you could have done pretty much the same jokes with two white guys or two black guys. seems good to me, not bad.
Main Entry: delinquent
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin delinquent- delinquens, present participle of delinquere to commit (an offense), err
1 a : offending by neglect or violation of duty or law

Is it not their delinquency (its not whether I agree with the legality of pot-smoking or not) that makes the entire movie funny? With regard to the current American legal system, they are by definition delinquents.
yeah but you wouldn't call the 90% of americans who speed "delinquents".

i'm interested to hear more from exciar why he is so dismayed. su-bin, are you saying that you're worried that people think the pot-smoking harold is a korean STEREOTYPE? because i can assure you that's not so here. :)