brand new movie thread

maybe I should've stuck FVK out to the end, but I couldn't

my wife said Nat'l Treasure was mindless entertainment: she was forced to watch it with some relatives a month or so ago and found it to be dumb (obviously), but watchable.
Presenting Cathy Come Home in the school's film soc. tomorrow. Any of you familiar with it? Watched by 1/4 of population on its first broadcast, partly responsible for the foundation of the charity Shelter, and also for action from the minister of housing, it's a pretty important film in British politics.
saw Shrek last night. the sequel was actually better, but the first one is plenty good too.

also saw Over the Edge again. sooooo glad this is now out on DVD. totally reminds me of how I was when I was 14 or so. I kinda looked like Tip when I was that age too, but I think I acted more like Claude.

aaaand saw Leave Her to Heaven - an old film noir that was kind of silly but okay.
I saw Doom. It wasn't bad and completely what I was in the mood to see which is a decent action flick and some monsters. I was happy that the film wasn't cgi'd to shit and makeup and animatronics were used heavily. Don't go see this if your expecting anything more then a decent action flick based on a video game. There were a few disapointments but I shouldn't really complain since I saw it for free.

I loved A History of Violence but I'm a big Cronenberg nerd..
Halloween movie day today:

Ju-On: The Grudge, wasn't expecting much, surprised but I would have to see it again to fully appreciate or else.

Janghwa, Hongryeon (Tale of two sisters): Very good, although I am sure I missed a few subtilities that might explain a few things that are still confusing. Lynch-like interesting.

Saw : Entertaining movie. Liked it as that.

Cronos: Interesting take on the vampire. Execution not quite what it could have been. Clearly lacked caracter development.

Day of the Dead: Classic, nothing more to say.

Currently on the tube:

i watched hitchhiker's yesterday and didn't dig it that much. the best part was using the original music from the BBC series in the beginning, but even alan rickman as marvin wasn't as great as i was expecting.
okay i'm watching it again and it's pretty enjoyable. just not as good as the books or BBC series, but i wasn't really expecting it to be.
huh i didn't realise the BBC show was supposed to be good (you're referring to the post-book one, not the pre-book radio show, right?). it always looked kind of silly.

i always liked the books very much, and i thought the movie was, you know, okay. i didn't see how they could translate it at all (sooo much of the goodness of the books is adams' descriptions) so the fact that it didn't suck was a great triumph in my eyes.
yeah i still haven't heard the radio series, but i definitely need to. earlier this year i read the books, then watched the BBC show, and now i've watched the movie. the books are obviously superior just because of douglas' ability to go beyond the realm of sanity without getting tedious, but the tv show was some good campy fun.

although i didn't much like mostly harmless, the mood seemed too dark to fit in with the other books.
I saw the Village and really liked it! yeah, there were some obvious problems with it, but I enjoy a good mythos-based story like that. the writing wasn't as good as his other films, but I still think he's a great director.
the History of Violence, the original comic is much better than the movie, which is a shame. The ending was needlessly changed in the film, and it really cheapened the impact of it.