brand new movie thread

Grizzly Man? Some idiot decides he is one with nature and can protect bears from tourists and he gets eaten. That is poetic justice. Eaten by a bear that he had been around for several years because it was an aged, starving bear, AN ANIMAL. Why are stories like Grizzly Man and that of Chris McCandless of "into the wild" compelling? McCandless wanders into the woods and eats poisonous berries within a month or so of being in the wilderness and dies. A+ sir, thanks for removing yourself from the gene pool by being unprepared for the alaskan wild. Thank you Grizzly Man for removing yourself from the gene pool because you actually forgot that you are human and bears are animals and when animals are hungry, THEY FUCKING EAT YOU! He shoulda been protecting himself.
Broken Flowers. I guess it was more or less what I was expecting, except a lot slower. Some good awkward/humorous moments and some interesting directing made it worthwhile, and the ending was somewhat refreshing, perhaps only because it breaks the norm.

Up tomorrow: The 40-Year-Old Virgin.
I'm not quite sure that that's Herzog's take on the situation, 0sm0se. (I think this board discussed the grizzly dude's case when it happened a few years back, right?)

I read Into The Wild a year or two ago and it was pretty interesting. I don't think writing people like that off as idiots is exactly accurate.
Into the Wild was cool, until he got to Alaska and became victim to his inexperience and lack of knowledge. I don't know why a doomed experiment at being a hermit was so romanticized. What he did took courage and his withdrawl from society: understandable but his lack of preparation: inexcusable. Nature does not take pity on you because you don't know how to take care of yourself.

Grizzly Man is just a goof, I watched the 20/20 thing and they tried to make it feel like a tragedy and he fell victim to a lone, starving old bear. The long ang short of it is old bears are the kind that need to pack on fat during the autumn so they don't die in hibernation and are prone to attack humans or anything else that might be tasty. So he picked up some easy meat in a man who thought he made peace with the bears. As wrong as it is to hunt for sport, this guy forgot that it is survival of the fittest in the forest, with no pity taken on the altruist
Herzog's take on it, as with many of his movies: you fuck with nature, nature wins.

I haven't seen Grizzyly Man yet, but I've seen enough of Herzog's film and listened to enough of his commentary to know that he is scared and awed of nature.
bought a copy of original of The Haunting and watched it friday. awesomely classically scary, and the build up of finally using the swelling door (with little to no music behind it) was awesome. right about then, they were all "Oh f$#% this, i'm out."
even my parents liked it. i, however, have missed it (and war of the worlds, and grizzly man, and pretty much every other movie to have come out in the past six months). i gotta see it before it's too late!
damnit, you guys just ruined fitzcarraldo for me (i have it sitting on my desk from netflix, to be watched tomorrow, probably).
good. somehow i haven't yet seen anything by herzog, so this'll be my cherry.

a friend of mine who's a big fan of his says it's probably not the best place to start, but even if it's a bit inaccessible, it's easily the one (besides perhaps grizzly man, but that hasn't opened here yet) that i'm most interested in. i do have quite the soft spot for any film that's at all epic or massive in scale.
Fitzcaralldo isn't so much about the plot as its about the journey. also, the commentary on the DVD is probably some of the best I've ever heard. Tons of interesting stories and anecdotes.
which movie should I go see today?
brothers grimm
charlie and the chocolate factory
wedding crashers

note that charlie is also playing on the IMAX screen here fwiw.