brand new movie thread

saw Word War - the pro scrabble documentary. having already read Word Freaks (the book which inspired the film), i already felt like I knew the characters, but I still really enjoyed seeing them in action. good times!
LuminousAether said:

Fantastic psychological drama with some rather well done fight scenes. Man is imprisoned for 15 years by an unknown captor for unknown reasons, so he goes on a hunt to find out who did it to him when he is set free.
I borrowed this from my friend the other day. It was pretty good, and I thought the soundtrack was good too.
i thought oldboy was fantastic, saw it a few weeks ago. other stuff from the past few weeks:

ichi the killer
the first half i was convinced this was just an excuse to show violence, which it did, but the second half really got my mind working in other areas as well. the ending was a good headscratcher that had me thinking about what really happened for a few days after watching it.

that was really well done and had some cool special effects, especially for 1929.

harley davidson and the marlboro man
laughed like twice, maybe.

a bit sketchy at times, like it didn't know it wanted to be historical or goofy, but overall quite enjoyable. plus galadriel is incredibly hot.
A History of Violence= The Worst Movie I've Seen in Years, tons of gratuitous content for no apparent reason other than to put it in. Ordinarily wouldn't bother me except that there was no real reason for it. Completely squandered Ed Harris, easily the best actor in the film. Had a semi-climax mid-movie with a much less interesting one at the place where the climax should have been. The movie also dragged horribly. Finally, the ending sucked, and that will seriously detract from even a good movie.
Saw the Merchant of Venice with Pacino. Great sets and costumes, kinda meh on some of the performances and it drags in the second half, but overall a decent film. unfortunately the audio levels on some of the speaking is garbled and there's no english subtitles, so that totally sucks. you'd figure with shakespeare you'd get subtitles, but nope. only fucking french. french!
me and the wife had never seen Top Secret! before, but now that's been remedied. I never realized it's Val Kilmer in the lead role! doing his own singing and dancing, too.
xfer said:
too bad, The History of Violence looked like it might be passable from the ads. oh, well.
Don't listen to'im Alex. Without a doubt one of the best Cronenberg movies yet.
Most people, though, make the mistake of approaching a Cronenberg movie the way they would any other. If you're familiar with the director's recurring themes and the methods he uses to explore them, you shouldn't be disappointed.
Nothing should be taken at face value. People don't seem to get that the movie doesn't really have to do with what the main character might've done or not in the past. This is not a plot-driven story. It is an exposé.
avi said:
me and the wife had never seen Top Secret! before, but now that's been remedied. I never realized it's Val Kilmer in the lead role! doing his own singing and dancing, too.
<3 that movie with a passion. Chocolate Mousse!
the machinist: awesome direction and music, super creeptastic. the ending is a little too neat and tidy in relation to the build-up IMO, but it's cool. I really liked the movie a lot.

Also tried to watch Polanski's "Fearless Vampire Killers", but it was dreadfully slow. some cool visuals n stuff (and both polanski and sharon tate have rolls), but I couldn't finish it.
I know people have already talked about this but I would just like to throw out how fucking awesome Serenity was. Not high class film perhaps, but great writing, very good acting and a very intersting take on SciFi made for one of the most entertaining and enjoyable movies I've seen in a very long time.
watched sin city after reading through a friend's copy of the hard goodbye. Whatever the middle tale was flagged, but that yellow bastard and hard goodbye were top notch, and I was pretty amazed how frame for frame it was.

Also saw a short film about killing. concise, moving etc.