How do you guys like it? How does the humbucker mode compare to the original 81? Is there a difference like with the 85 and 89? How is the single-coil mode? I'm hoping it's not too thin-sounding.
Really curious about these myself. I have an Ibanez in which I have the 81 in the neck. I really like the lead tone from the 81 in the neck, but not so much the cleans. I've been recommended the 60 and 60A and have almost pulled the trigger on the 60, but I don't really think the 60 has that very same super-tight, super-articulate attack-y sound the 81 has under high-gain. So would an 81TW be a good option if I want better cleans but don't wanna lose the option of that kickass lead tone from the classic 81?
Really curious about these myself. I have an Ibanez in which I have the 81 in the neck. I really like the lead tone from the 81 in the neck, but not so much the cleans. I've been recommended the 60 and 60A and have almost pulled the trigger on the 60, but I don't really think the 60 has that very same super-tight, super-articulate attack-y sound the 81 has under high-gain. So would an 81TW be a good option if I want better cleans but don't wanna lose the option of that kickass lead tone from the classic 81?