Has anybody tried the EMG 81TW?

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
How do you guys like it? How does the humbucker mode compare to the original 81? Is there a difference like with the 85 and 89? How is the single-coil mode? I'm hoping it's not too thin-sounding.

Really curious about these myself. I have an Ibanez in which I have the 81 in the neck. I really like the lead tone from the 81 in the neck, but not so much the cleans. I've been recommended the 60 and 60A and have almost pulled the trigger on the 60, but I don't really think the 60 has that very same super-tight, super-articulate attack-y sound the 81 has under high-gain. So would an 81TW be a good option if I want better cleans but don't wanna lose the option of that kickass lead tone from the classic 81?
I have an 89/81TW set in my Stinnett... I'd say the 81TW is a tiny bit more tame than the 81, but it's not nearly the difference between the 85 and 89. The single coil mode is great for cleans/leads, as well!
Thank you!

So would you recommend the 81TW for my situation? And what do you mean by more 'tame'? Less output?
Probably less of a biting top end, but seriously it's not something I've really noticed without actively looking for it! Would deffo recommend the 81TW for you, my favorite neck pickup by far!
Probably less of a biting top end, but seriously it's not something I've really noticed without actively looking for it! Would deffo recommend the 81TW for you, my favorite neck pickup by far!
Awesome! Thanks. I'd really like try one out now, then.

i have the 89 and 81TW as standard in my hellraiser, TBH im not too fond of the 81TW, would't mind swapping it out for the 81
Really? Why is that?
2 weeks ago i swapped the 81/60 combo from my eclipse to a 81TW and 89,
i think same as jeff, the 81TW seems to be a bit more tamed than the 81,
to me, the tw sounded a slightly more open and organic then the 81.
if this is good or bad depends on the point of view.. and the single coil mode sounds great and is really nice option.
Yeah, the TW is definitely a bit less aggressive and sharp as the 81. I'd say pretty much the opposite from MetalJonesy's experience :) It's nothing you should be worried, though, just adjust your amp. I had an EC-400 with an 81 in the bridge and switched it to a Hellraiser C-1 with an 81-TW.
Thanks for the replies!

So the general consensus then is that it's a bit warmer than the regular 81, but the difference is subtle?
Experienced the same thing with EMG81TW vs EMG81, see thread here (with full details and soundfiles) :


To me the EMG81 sounds best : clear/defined/bitey/sharp/bright. The EMG81TW sounds more dull/bassy/unclear/less bitey in comparison. Adjusting amp EQ and gain can help getting closer to the EMG81 tone but it's still not quite there.