Has anyone else here found Cog?


Fuck consensus reality
Dec 19, 2001
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Damn...if these guys aren't a derivitive of Tool...I don't know what is. I'm not quite sure yet if thats a good thing or a bad thing...but damn, their sound is great.

pick up the LPs Just Waiting part 1 & 2... damn fine pieces of music.
If they sound anything like The Hanging Tree - Flynn & Lucius' earlier band that was definitely Tool derived! ;)

That being said though - The Hanging Tree rocked back when I used to go watch 'em! Plus I've heard lots of good reports about COG! :)
I went to see them at a club in Randwick a few weeks ago...but I turned up about 15 minutes too late. They play heaps apparantly, so I'm sure I'll get a chance to see them again soon...
Hey - see my Law(y)ers Vs Metal thread.. They were due to play MFTB in November until it was cancelled!
Tool wannabes...perhaps.

but look at it this way...at least if Tool stop making good music, these guys could probably pick up the reigns.
Nugent said:-

I haven't heard Cog, so I'm not one to judge, but that's a pretty tall order to fill...

Well...listen to them and tell me they couldn't do it. And they've only got a couple of eps out so far...so imagine what they could do given time...