Has anyone here been on the PHILOSOPHER forum?

fah-q said:
I was checking out some of the other forums on Ultimate Metal Forum and I came across (not literally) a forum called "The Philosopher". I check it out and responded to some posts. When the moderator saw that I did not agree with what everyone else was saying, he threatens to close the post. Then, he tells me to go to the Billy Milano post because I would be welcome there. WTF? I thought the purpose of these things was to have disagreements and express points? Those psuedo-intellects on the Philosopher don't seem to want it that way. It is all very self-absorbed over there anyway. They put these posts up trying to qualify their intelligence among this group of like minded sheep. It's a big friggin' dork-off. Check it out.

This is the biggest emo thread I have ever seen on UM. So instead of changing how he posts so that it suits the already agreed rules of the members that post there, he just keeps posting the pointless, uninformed opinions and then gets mad like a emo kid and posts about it :waah::waah::waah::waah:

Grow up you loser. I get fucking owned in that Forum as well, but I don't go around crying about it. There are tonnes of good concise points in many of those threads and if you had any interest in Philosophy, then you would understand why there needs to be logic and other such things in order to make sense.

Calling a whole group of people one thing just goes to show that maybe you do belong in "this forum with like minded sheeple". See? That is how hypocritical you are.
Derek - Your diplomacy is appreciated. A refreshing change from Speed.
Silver Incubus - Be quiet until your balls drop and you move out of your parents house. "Getting owned" is not the issue. I have been owned on this forum. I was a little put off that the "open minded" would have such a narrow minded view of the Milano area. Your post above only supports that.
Calling a whole group of people one thing just goes to show that maybe you do belong in "this forum with like minded sheeple". See? That is how hypocritical you are.
Ok I guess you don't understand what Irony is?

While you call a group of people anything, it is a sweeping generalization gathered usually from a very uninformed, or unpleasent experience.

Now the problem of saying you are all liberals, or even because someone disagrees with you that they must be x or y or z even.

The irony is that you posted here, amoung people whom you know a few will agree with you in your generalization, the same way a hate group is started.

What you intend to do by this, is create a set of filters for someone who will believe you and therefore possibly install a hostile biased to the members who post on a specific forum, mainly because of a few people who also post there.

Not only is this US vs Them mentality unwarranted but it is also the same black and white trappings that institutions like Religion have used to fool many people for ages.

So you are doing the exact same thing that you are complaining about, and it is hypocritical of you to do so.

fah-q said:
Silver Incubus - Be quiet until your balls drop and you move out of your parents house. "Getting owned" is not the issue. I have been owned on this forum. I was a little put off that the "open minded" would have such a narrow minded view of the Milano area. Your post above only supports that.
Lets see if they are right in how you work here.

Fist we have the Insult, oh oh oh nooooo!

Second, taking something I say out of context,and then trying to make some kind of point from it.
Now, only if you could understand that it is you who is narrow minded in your peception of me, based off of your own flawed logic.

Now when you read that last statment, it almost sounds like you are saying to yourself that "your post above only supports" the claims that you made about me and my open mind. Because other then that fabrication, there is no evidence on my opionion of the people or purpose of this form.(I really have no idea who Billy Milano is so I don't care who posts here)

Here's the only really 2 rules for that forum, they are not hard to find out if you only LOOKED for them.
1. Stay on topic (and at least find out what the topic is about first if you don't know before posting your opinion on it)
2. Keep it as a disscusion and not a fight.

Esentially, you assume to much. You make your assumptions concrete like a truth. You then attack others based on such assumptions, and then you wonder why people get upset with you. IN this case you made this thread in a place you know some people will agree with you, no matter what you posted on the other forum.

I know that you can experience the revalation of your words, in a post that might cause some careful consideration of how this situation was caused and how it can be averted by using a different approach.
I guess Silver Incubus wasn't afraid to stoop down to a different level of intellegence. But it was pretty funny. :lol:

And before anyone goes pointong labels at me, I just wanna say that doing so is useless, because I am on a level far beyond anyone ever. :lol:

But something I feel the need to say is this:
The Philosopher forum is a forum dedicated to serious discussion. A forum where a thread can go uninterupted by stupid jokes and stay on topic. The subtitle of the Billy Milano forum is "Not for the easily offended", which obviously means that it's big on humor and not serious discussion. (Which also sounds like the Symphony X forum on bad days.) If you go to the Philosopher section, you can't go there, thinking the same way as you do here. When I go to a new section, I watch it for a while, post a bit, see what responses I get, and figure out how I should be thinking to post there. In the Philosopher, I had to start getting serious, and stop u517\/g |337 5p34k all the time. At the Kamelot forum (not part of UMF), I started thinking about other people, because it's a very friendly forum (except for Spambots). Apparently, at this forum, I shouldn't take anything seriously, except for this thread, because apparently, everyone here except for Slver Incubus (who probably doesn't count for here) hates me.
fah-q said:
From someone who fancy's themself an "intellectual" I would expect better. From a cunt, this is par.

If this was directed to me, all I have to answer you with is LOL.

You keep on pulling this random things out of your ass and you expect me to take this as serious? This is just really funny. Intellectuals in reality are only know nothing know it alls. I consider myself a thinker, and questioner.

And if you can't take a joke, then what the hell are you doing on the internet forums that aren't serious in nature?
TheAssMaster said:
Contrary to this being the place for the narrow-minded, this is the place to come and speak your mind, freely.

OK, we may not like what you have to say, especially if you are a Mo-ham-head bumming cock-gobbling sand wog, but you can at least say what you like.
Then we will call you a cunt and insult your Mother, whom it will almost certainly emerge that many of us will have Bukkaked. And your sister. And they loved it, then they made your dinner. True.

Long live freedom of speech, it's getting a rarer thing for us all.

Mo-ham-head bumming cock-gobbling sand wog...

:rock: Funny Shit!
fah-q said:
I certainly don't hate you. I respect your view on this.
Now fuck off! - just kidding. :)
I used Me as a figurative for Us, as in the majority of the Philosophy board frequenters, such as I, Norsemaiden, Silver Incubus, Justin S, and many others.

Also, you forgot to make yourself green. ;)
Ptah Khnemu said:
I used Me as a figurative for Us, as in the majority of the Philosophy board frequenters, such as I, Norsemaiden, Silver Incubus, Justin S, and many others.

Also, you forgot to make yourself green. ;)
How's this? :goggly:
Silver Incubus said:
If this was directed to me, all I have to answer you with is LOL.

You keep on pulling this random things out of your ass and you expect me to take this as serious? This is just really funny. Intellectuals in reality are only know nothing know it alls. I consider myself a thinker, and questioner.

And if you can't take a joke, then what the hell are you doing on the internet forums that aren't serious in nature?
Have you thought about or questioned why you are such a cunt?
jeez dude. its only the internet. i couldnt really care what anyone thinks. the philosopher forum is just there if you want a little intellectual stimulation or talk about somethin thats not too retarded. i couldn't care if anyone there disagrees with me , cause then what would be the point of the forum. no one has to complain, besides, you really can't have too much pride on the internet. if you don't like a forum then don't visit it.