Has anyone here heard of the group LILITU??

Pierced Spirit

New Metal Member
Sep 1, 2001
San Antonio, Tx
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I was checking them out on The End and they sounded pretty good, kinda like Lake Of Tears. But I cant really judge a group from the little 60 sec clip. Has anyone heard of this group? Any opinions? I would really like to hear more of their tunes but I cant find a web site or nothing. Can anyone help me out with finding some soundclips or somthing? Thanks to anyone helps out.
One day i shall be buying there album.
I have some mp3s and love them, and especially love the voice!
I didnt realise they posted on the UM boards though, i guess they havent posted in the Opeth forum, or maybe ive just not seen them.
I would definitely recommend that you check them out more. Memorial is well-worth it, and the UM Store stocks it. Check out some mp3s on their site www.lilitu.ws

Their vocalist, Derek Bonner, does post here and other UM forums occasionally under the name "ruinandmisery". Buy the album...you won't be disappointed.
Actually, AFAIK, Ruinandmisery is Jason Piona, their guitarist.

I have both of their albums, The Earth Gods and Memorial - and like them both a lot. I'll try to write a review about Memorial next weekend and post it here.

Originally posted by Villain
Actually, AFAIK, Ruinandmisery is Jason Piona, their guitarist.
Doh! I don't know what I was thinking...I was in contact with Derek via e-mail a little bit so I got the names mixed up. Anyway, you all should check them out. I need to get the first album still.