has anyone seen the last South Park?

There is going to be a "shitstorm" over this episode. I thought it was great, especially when chef and the boys were at the strip club. I think the creators, Matt & Trey, want the "old chef" back. The one that makes "sweet love" to all the ladies. Very controversial episode and not one mention of Scientology. Screw you Tom Cruise you crazy bastard.
That episode last night was one of the funniest things I've ever seen - right after "Team America".

Fuck yeah.
^ I hear ya Hawng, but I somehow knew they'll make him a
child molestor...
When Isaac Haze said he's leaving the show because
in his opinion they have gone too far and extreme,
I knew they'll be even more extreme when it comes to Chef... :lol:

It was still funny.
I caught some of it but was not really paying attention(was online). I heard about it on the news this morning.
I thought it was pretty awesome. I'm not a fan of Isaac Hayes but I hate to see Chef die. Although the way they killed him was pretty funny.

Oh well Chef Vader FTW! :kickass:
zakk_hate_me_666 said:
i like how instead of saying make love he always sung it... love the way they did that

haha when I'm drunk, I don't tell people I'm wasted. I sing it to them instead! It's something I do without even thinking.
i've heard an interview with isaac hayes saying he was fine with the scientology episode and found news reports saying he's ACTUALLY been recovering from a stroke. seems that isaac's statement was actually not released by him, and there's evidence that the confessional audits you have to do to get into scientology are being used to blackmail stars into staying supportive of it even after they realise it's BS... if that's all true i just feel for isaac. in the interview he basically said that taking the piss was *the way south park works, you can't take it seriously*. go look for it on the net.