Has this ever happened to you before?

Destination Forever

Pattycake! :)
Aug 14, 2006
Nashville, TN
This morning, after I got up early and I was driving to my first lab this semester at school, I was listening to Communic's "Waves of Visual Decay" (This CD is finally hitting me, I mean, I always liked it since I bought it a month ago, but I'm just now able to take everything in and fully understand the songs). When I was about halfway there, I hear this really loud siren and am thinking that either an ambulance is coming or I'm in trouble with the police lol. I look back and see nothing, then hear the vocals kick in, and Stensland saying something about "the sirens". :lol:

So, that was kind of random, but I thought it might make a good topic. Has that every happened to anyone else here with a song before?
In terms of just musical coincidence while driving, just a couple of weeks ago
I popped in the new Falconer CD. The title track started playing. So there I was, listening to the song "Northwind" off the CD "Northwind", and noticed I was driving right a piece of property with a sign out front for "Northwind Construction".

(It may have been Northwind Realty, it was something real-estate related with the name Northwind, that's the point! :) )

That siren thing happens to me all the time.. I hate it when that happens...
Also Anathema has a song that has a sound like a volkswagon horn or something, and everytime I listen to that song (I think it's Flying off of A Natural Disaster) I think someones honking at me.
I had the reverse occur. I was listening to a My Dying Bride album at work (headphones) and was thinking "Man, this song contains a very annoying wail..." The song ended and the wail continued. Turned out we were having a fire alarm drill. I looked around and wondered if I should stay or leave. I ended up walking outside with the whole building staring at me. The guy who was supposed to make sure everyone left said he peeked in my cubicle and did not see me - something about me being little and the chair I was sitting in being big. I still do not know which one of us was more embarrased.
Yep, I've also had strange coincidences with lightining in the distance following the song as I'm driving. Happened while listening to Evergrey's "Recreation Day" ... must have lasted a good 30 minutes, though not 100% precise of course. Still cool nonetheless ;)
This has probably happened to most Blind Guardian fans at one point or another: I've often driven into a severe thunderstorm while the song "Into the Storm" from Nightfall in Middle Earth has been playing.
I'm guilty on the Six Degrees one every single time. Even when I tell myself before I put it in that it's not actually a siren I freak out when I hear it. But I guess it's good people react that way to sirens while driving...
So, that was kind of random, but I thought it might make a good topic. Has that every happened to anyone else here with a song before?

I've had the "siren" experience a few times. REALLY strange thing happened to me while listening to Boston's first CD a few years ago, though....I had the CD playing, hit "FM" to switch to the radio, and nothing happened.

Or, better put...nothing changed. Turns out that the radio station was playing the same song, and it was at the exact same point in the song. The CD player I had at the time would continue the CD even when you switched to radio (CD was a separate unit), so I switched back and forth between CD and FM several times and they were PERFECTLY in sync....nothing changed until the song ended.

Truly bizarre coincidence.

I can't remember which cd it was but I used to play it a lot. It had this ringing sound in it. It sounded exactly like our phone so every time I thought I was getting a call. The number of times I walked to that phone only to realize it was that damn album again! :lol:
I was up late one night painting figurines* with Nevermore's Dreaming Neon Black cd spinning in the background. I was focused on the painting, so I zoned out the fact that the cd had ended when all of a sudden those whispering voices came on from the hidden track and froze me to my seat. *blink*blink* :eek:

heh heh. I was also caught off guard by the same siren you mentioned in the 'Frozen Asleep in the Park' song, Patrick.

Communic is bad-ass! :kickass:

*yeah, if you haven't figured out that I'm a gaming geek by now, then something is wrong. :lol:
That happens to me all the time. When I got hit by a car I was listening to Extreme's "Rest in Peace".

Similar experience happened to me a few years ago. I was hit by a drunk driver while listening to Into Eternity's song "Beginning of the End". I'm not so sure if it fits what we're talking about here, I just thought it was weird.
The opening to one of the Chemlab albums freaked out my mom once due to the police sirens.

I hate it when I hear sirens on the radio though (i.e. during commercials). Its just not safe.
I can't remember which cd it was but I used to play it a lot. It had this ringing sound in it. It sounded exactly like our phone so every time I thought I was getting a call. The number of times I walked to that phone only to realize it was that damn album again! :lol:

The same thing would happen to me when listening to Safe Home from Anthrax's "We've Come For You All." Something in the background of the song around the chorus sounded just like the cell phone I had at the time.