Hate to tell u but slayer is mainstream

Unlit Flames

Carpathian Crypt
Dec 26, 2001
Ever since slipknot came onto the scene all these kids are running around listening to metal. I don't know about u guys but slayer has changed. Listen to Seasons and listen to GHUA, Its probably just me but GHUA sounds like limp bizkit in its transition stages from true metal.

No one is posting fuckin nominees so post dammit
Indeed. Slayer are old pricks and all old pricks sell out for money, all of them. You got halford producing emopunk bands, you got lemmy doing mainstream wannabe contest, you got metallica ( dont need to say anything else ), im beginning to think that most people who stays tr00 to metal for too long is just pretending and when they get old they end up like slayer or the others i mentioned. So ironically the not so tr00 guys who experiment a lot stay closer to metal in the long run than the tr00 idiots like slayer.
hate to tell u but slayer is mainstream

you make it sound as if being mainstream was some sort of disease or something. anyway, Slayer has blatantly sold out.

dude, im sorry, but how can you say pantera is mainstream, they have kept the same sound throughout their albums, except for maybe cowboys from hell<first "offical" album>. slayer yes has become mainstream, metallica well ya...........but pantera come on? explain to me y u think their mainstream so i can see ur view.
dude, im sorry, but how can you say pantera is mainstream, they have kept the same sound throughout their albums, except for maybe cowboys from hell<first "offical" album>. slayer yes has become mainstream, metallica well ya...........but pantera come on? explain to me y u think their mainstream so i can see ur view.

Because they are a bunch of glam pussies who only became metal to cash in. They are all rich boys (really) pretending to be down home country biys by acting like brain dead hicks and marketing to the SLipknot/no-metal crowd by playing shitty music that hasn't sounded good since roughly 1992. Thats why they are mainstream. Fucking hicks.
Why can't people spell 'you' properly? Two more keystrokes would keep you from looking mentally challenged.

This is pathetic!

What has slayer changed since, let's say, seasons in the abyss? Their music har remained the same, their live attitude is the same, they do the music for the same reasons... I saw them live on Tattoo the planet tour with cradle of filth, amorphis and in flames. I couldn't care less if they have sold out if they still keep playing better and with more attitude than the rest of the bands.

And, it seems to me that selling out is not a choise of the band itself. No. If they sell records or play music you don't like, you decide to label them as sell-outs. Get a life, it seems to me that you spend too much time in internet...
Because they are a bunch of glam pussies who only became metal to cash in. They are all rich boys (really) pretending to be down home country biys by acting like brain dead hicks and marketing to the SLipknot/no-metal crowd by playing shitty music that hasn't sounded good since roughly 1992. Thats why they are mainstream. Fucking hicks.

Well said...

What has slayer changed since, let's say, seasons in the abyss?

Listen to 'War Ensemble' or 'Dead Skin Mask' off seasons...

And then listen to 'Bloodline' off GHUA or 'love to hate' off diabolus... (pay special attention to the 'rap' vocals and nu-metal guitar-simplicity on 'love to hate')

What was your point... is this your downfall??

My point was that the music is still extreme. It would be naive to expect that band's music would stay unchanged for 20 years. Do you think you still write same kind of stuff you write now after 20 years? I sure as hell hope I won't be doing so. And it is not about which music is better, because that is always subjective.

And I think there is no actual nu-metal or rap in slayers music (I am not speaking of slight influences here however). Have you ever REALLY listened to rap or nu-metal?
Have you ever REALLY listened to rap or nu-metal?

Yeah, i heard the new slayer cd. :rolleyes:

Yes, of course i have. Why would i make that reference if i had not?... And by the way, how could i NOT have heard nu-metal or rap, it gets played 24 hrs a day here in oz. We are America II.
Originally posted by Downfall
Have you ever REALLY listened to rap or nu-metal?

I have, and i have to agree with Trapped. I never really got into Slayer in the first place because i knew i would be wasting my time with them.

Downfall, does "changing sound" mean that you have to start sounding like a nu-metal band? If Slayer really wanted to change their sound for musical reasons, why would they change their sound to something less musical? (not that they were very musical in the first place)
Originally posted by Trapped
Yes, of course i have. Why would i make that reference if i had not?... And by the way, how could i NOT have heard nu-metal or rap, it gets played 24 hrs a day here in oz. We are America II.

Hearing and listening are not the same thing. If you just hear nu-metal and rap (with your disliking ttitude), you can't get beneath the surface of that music. And don't start telling me that there's nothing beneath the surface of those genres. They are as shallow as all metal, jazz and blues. Every one of those genres have posers and true talents.
Originally posted by KielbasaSausage
Downfall, does "changing sound" mean that you have to start sounding like a nu-metal band? If Slayer really wanted to change their sound for musical reasons, why would they change their sound to something less musical? (not that they were very musical in the first place)

If they wanted to try to sound like nu-metal, I don't care. They can do whatever they like. I just don't see how they sound like nu-metal or rap... I wouldn't care if they started playing britpop. I will still listening to their older albums which still remain as excellent music regardless of what they currently do...