hats off to Ashbury and Winterhawk....


Sep 30, 2005
I have to say....I am not the biggest fans like many but both bands were fantastic. Ashbury won over so many people that night including myself. Many people were saying how no one was going to watch them. Everyone was dead wrong on this one. Even the fanatic black metal and death metal people loved them. Plus they were hands down the nicest bunch of people. They were just happy to be a part of everything. Very humble.

Winterhawk as always were tight and won over everyone on the second stage. At least they had the hometown advantage and people have seen them before. But both bands overcame all odds of being the oddball bands out each day and ended up being the top two bands for most people.

I think honestly one of the coolest moments of the night for me at least was that Winterhawk sat and watched the opening acts on the second stage and were interested in what was happening musically. When Jordan did come in the rest of the guys were telling him how great Ancient Dreams were. This wasnt some fake "they are great". I was just doing a creepy eavsedropping thing because I was standing close enough.

I have to give major thanks for both bands for showing a tough crowd...think about it...the traditional metal crowd is just as bad as a prog crowd a great time.

Hopefully both bands will be back one day.

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Couldn't say it better myself.......
These were two "oddball" bands that stole the freakin' show!!!
Both bands were very kind and humble.

Jordan greeted me by saying, "Sorry, I only caught the last half of your set, but the first thing the rest of the band said to me when I walked in was "These guys are great" "!!!!! That was one heck of a feeling. Then Bob told me separately what he overheard them saying. As Bob said, this was sincere and genuine. Completely awesome!!!!

I don't think this will be the last of Winterhawk playing a metal show!!!!!

Finally, I think Ragnarokkr is building a nice formula here.
First off, reunited legendary Chicago bands have gone over well now two years in a row!!!!!

Secondly, having proto metal bands like Ashbury and Winterhawk go over VERY well with a traditional metal crowd.
It is funny...myself included...when Ashbury was announced I didn't think they would have gone over as good as they did. This show that talenent will usually win out over buzz bands.

I think the key thing is that the mid level bands and early bands need to be somthing kind of cool....just booking a band because they are a name doesnt always work out. Look at Eldrtich and Sleepy Hollow...by thier history alone they should have had bigger crowds.

I think a hard part is that with the mid-level bands...most people are drinking, socializing and just checking stuff out.

I do agree with Jason on the formula...getting old chicago acts is a must. I know it is happening again this year as well.
I think people here seriously underestimated interest in Ashbury. They were one of the bands that perked up ears about this fest. I remember Dan from Gatekrashor texting me saying "Ashbury is playing. I'm gonna try to get Gatekrashor on this thing." Winterhawk not so much, but they were brought on late in the game. Wicked Proto-metal bands will be massive hits at this thing. Could you imagine if Ragnarokkr got Legend (From the Fjords fame) to do a gig?
Could you imagine if Ragnarokkr got Legend (From the Fjords fame) to do a gig?
Seriously! I've been pondering the same thing myself. Pretty sure they would not do a reunion show without Kevin, but who knows?

I can say that I was on the fence about coming to this festival but decided right away when I found out Ashbury would be there.
Seriously! I've been pondering the same thing myself. Pretty sure they would not do a reunion show without Kevin, but who knows?

I can say that I was on the fence about coming to this festival but decided right away when I found out Ashbury would be there.

interesting...you guys are not the first band to bring up Legend.
Sorry for my ignorance.....who are LEGEND????
Not familiar. Where from?

While on topic, I honestly never heard of ASHBURY before they were added.
Kind of odd too, given that Rockadrome did the reissue.

Anyhow, any other recommended bands (Aside from the obvious like Sir Lord Baltimore, Dust, etc)