Have a cool new amp coming today!


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Egnater Rebel:


Since selling the JCM 800, I needed something to write, record riffs, and just generally jam on. I practice with the band at an hourly place that has some modded JCM 2000s, so no need to lug gear to the studio. I don't need something uber loud until we start gigging.

I used to have one of the Egnater modular amps and dug it. This one is quite versatile for a mini head from what I hear. Unfortunately most clips out there are quite shit right now from this amp, but some trusted tone freaks that I know have compared it to a more refined JCM 800...i.e. not as raw. Egnaters are known for being smooth anyway,

Hell, if I hate it I will take advantage of MF's very liberal return policy. I will then pick up a Tiny Terror most likely. Just wanted to try something different. It should sound pretty nice through the Mesa cab.

Report to follow...

Thought about picking one up before I got my Rev Jr...

Why did you sell the 800?

While I dig the hell out of Marshall tone, it just wasn't necessary right now for me. I like it, but gravitate more towards the Plexi tone than JCM 800. Stronger mids and such. I have a 50 watt Plexi clone, so my Marshally tone needs are covered.

Hmm, not expecting much from the Egnater, but I'd love to be pleasantly surprised! Though I don't know why you didn't just skip the foreplay and go for a Tiny Terror again (oh how I love that amp :D)
Hmm, not expecting much from the Egnater, but I'd love to be pleasantly surprised! Though I don't know why you didn't just skip the foreplay and go for a Tiny Terror again (oh how I love that amp :D)

Have you played an Egnater before?

Just wanted to try something different. And trust me, the EG5 module on the Egnater MOD 50 sounds quite excellent and chunktastic.

Yeah, I played some full-sized Egnater through a matching cab at a GC and wasn't impressed, very messy and "squelchy" (onomatopoeia) - but like I said, my mind is open!
Yeah, I played some full-sized Egnater through a matching cab at a GC and wasn't impressed, very messy and "squelchy" (onomatopoeia) - but like I said, my mind is open!

Ah gotcha dude. Yeah, the clips I've heard (mainly youtube, but fuck that crappy quality lol), haven't been impressive at all, but I'm hoping to be surprised as well since I've heard some pretty rave reviews.

Like I said, MF 45 day return policy = epic win.


Well everything I've heard from the Rebel 20 sounded awesome. Especially the features for tube blending, tightening and stepless adjustment of the output wattage are really cool.

I just skipped on the Rebel because I needed something to deliver modern brootalz.

But now I'm in need for a good rock amp soon and the Egnater is back on the list.
That tube mix knob and watt knob are a lot of fun.... Bruce makes some great shit and he tries to stay as original as possible
Yeah, I bet it can get quite aggressive with a tubescreamer. Experimentation to come...\m/

Yeah the Egnater modular amps are sick. I sold my MOD 50 like an idiot. At the time, I had no clue what a difference a cab made. I was using my shitty Avatar and wasn't 100% satisfied with the tone. It would sound sick on my Mesa cab though.
I also only had the Bman and SL2 modules. I tried the EG5 at the New York Amp Show and kicked myself for not buying one!
Oh well, I'll have another some day.

Initial report:

Well, the amp is definitely unique sounding and has some cool features. The tube mix knob REALLY works. Pretty cool feature! I like to leave it at about 1:00-2:00 (favoring the EL84 side).

It has a bright switch, which I usually leave off to thicken things up. The tight switch I'm not digging a whole lot. Makes everything TOO tight. I suppose it would work if you weren't boosting with a tubescreamer like I am.

Egnaters in general have a very unique voice. The MOD50 I had was cool, but I didn't have the right module for heavy stuff at the time. Their tone is very SMOOTH, to the point of being TOO smooth. They also have a strange low end that doesn't take as kindly to boosts (in my opinion) as every other amp I've owned/played.

I can see these amps being awesome for the fusion jazz/smooth lead type of players. Alan Holdsworth would probably dig it, hehe.

It's definitely NOT a bad amp, but probably not the amp I need right now for what I'm playing. All is good in the hood though, because I can send it right back to MF with no problems. I got some pretty good sounds from tweaking a bunch last night, but I want something a bit more pain free.

Probably will pick up another Tiny Terror. Marcus, you can say I told you so...BUT I did want to give it a shot...:-D

If you are looking for something heavier, I bet the Tiny Terror will suit you better... But thanks a bunch for the review.... I only got to mess around with it at guitar center for a few minutes, and at the local GC they have no amp room and won't let you play louder than talking volume....
If you are looking for something heavier, I bet the Tiny Terror will suit you better... But thanks a bunch for the review.... I only got to mess around with it at guitar center for a few minutes, and at the local GC they have no amp room and won't let you play louder than talking volume....

no problem!

Yeah, I had a TT previously and really liked it. I will probably just grab another one.

That's another thing. I didn't really get a chance to crank it yet. That still doesn't change my impression of it's overall tone/feel, but I'm gonna crank it before I return it and see what happens!

Haha, well it was strictly financial reasons that motivated me to sell it; given the choice between it and the Dual Rec, I had to keep the Rec (I had both for about a month), but the Tiny Terror is a different (and still awesome) beast, so I long for the day when I can afford another!
I listened back to some short test clips yesterday and I'm actually quite digging the tones now that I have fresh ears. More tweakage and cranking to come this weekend and we'll see.
