Have you been in a Gig with Corpse Paint?

Hell, no! Then I'd have to smack myself. I saw one at a Immortal
gig. He just looked out of place and disoriented. I clearly
remember thinking: "How goddamn stupid you look"
(in Norwegian, actually... "Faen så teit du ser ut"). I admit it
must take guts to come painted like that, but still: naaaaah!
But it's ok if u wear it when u go shopping, to school etc :D
If band do it it's cool, but hell, if I see anybody with corpsepaint at a gig I will sure laugh at him. Today only posers would wear it to express their trueness...
I imagine that wearing corpse-paint would be like wearing women's clothes...and frankly I feel like I'm far more likely to do the latter than the former...