Have you ever bought an album 'cuz Mike told you to?

Before you get your panties in a wad, Nasty.... Just check out who fronted the band on the Waken Carnage DVD, the Unblessing the Purity EP and the Fathomless Mastery record. I'm sure you'll be pleased. :)
Before you get your panties in a wad, Nasty.... Just check out who fronted the band on the Waken Carnage DVD, the Unblessing the Purity EP and the Fathomless Mastery record. I'm sure you'll be pleased. :)

First watch the picture in your sig and imagine it's my face right now. I know about all those, I was only saying that I thought Mikael was now done with Bloodbath and that he wasn't going to record anything more.
I think you're referring to an interview where Mike said he won't be doing live shows with Bloodbath anymore. As far as I know he's still an active studio member.
He didn't even say that iirc. I'll have to watch it again, but I thought he just was stating clearly where his focus, loyalty and attention is currently focused: Opeth. It is his musical priority. Touring around w/ BB considering the extensive touring commitment Opeth is in the middle of just isn't going to happen. When I get the chance, I'll run the question by him so Nasty can sleep at nigh... but I wouldn't worry about it, dude.
Ya I saw at least one interview where Mike essentially said he'd sing for them in the studio as often as they needed him but he didn't want to play live with them because focusing any more on Bloodbath would be a step back in musical creativity for him.
I ran across Camel's Mirage album, I think its their second album and I quickly purchased it after remembering what Mike said about them and I was not disappointed at all, I ended up downloading the entire discography and I cant stop loving the first three albums, Im yet to explore the others soon.

I looked for Vangelis-Earth all over the place and even for the song on youtube but found nothing. Is he talking about vangelis the choir group or the musician with the long first name?

Mikael Åkerfeldt;7941287 said:
Good on you!

Right now I'm listening to the Misfits "Evilive" Lp "You want it turned up or WHAT???"...I love Glenn Danzig although he's wierd.

To be honest, recently I re-discovered Abba. I grew up with them of course, but I never listened to them since I became a musician myself and it was...a revelation!
I listened to all their albums before I fell asleep EVERY night on the last Euro tour! It's just amazing!

It's some of the most well written, well arranged, well produced and just downright most fantastic songs I've ever heard! And they have always been there for me and NOW i discovered them.

If you dare to, get, "The album", "Arrival", "Voulez vous", "Super trouper" and the last one "The visitors". Some of it is very happy sounding so I can really understand if most of you will totally HATE it, but man, for me it was exactly what I needed. I'm more or less obsessed with them now.

SW always said he loved them so much and I kinda sneered at him, "Fucking poof" haha! But he was right, as always...

Do it!

Tesco Vee (singer of The Meatmen) collects everything ABBA. I never understood his obsession. Interestingly enough, Lyle Preslar, who played on a few Meatmen records (Rock N Roll Juggernaut and War of the Superbikes are awesome as shit), also was briefly in Samhain.

It would have been helpful if Danzig had decided to keep the mic somewhere near his mouth for that show since you can barely hear him at times.
also, I liked the Leonard Cohen "Famous Blue Raincoat" reference on the Live at Shepherds Bush dvd. Leonard Cohen is fucking amazing.
Abba is the only good pop band imo.

Btw, I started to listen since 1 year ago Dream Theater and Ayreon, Porcupine tree Six months ago, and was curious and funny discover that each leader of these bands are friends of Mike.
I can't listen to Dream Theater (although I did run into Mike Portnoy on the way out of an Opeth show a few months ago). I think it's the vocalist. Too.....power-gay for me. Something about those types of bands that turns me off.
People who aren't bothered by voice such as LaBrie's should check out this band "Revoltons" It's interesting powerprog thing, unfortunately they're pretty new and have only released one album.

Not every song works that well, and others work only as power metal song, but then there's interesting songs like Reality met childhood, The autumn believer, Time for worlds inside and The court's fool.

I know that most people will just go straight and say the band sucks. :lol:
I can't listen to Dream Theater (although I did run into Mike Portnoy on the way out of an Opeth show a few months ago). I think it's the vocalist. Too.....power-gay for me. Something about those types of bands that turns me off.

That's why most of my friends don't like Dream Theater...i don't like what came after Scenes from memories.
I can't listen to Dream Theater (although I did run into Mike Portnoy on the way out of an Opeth show a few months ago). I think it's the vocalist. Too.....power-gay for me. Something about those types of bands that turns me off.

All the ppl complains James Labrie :lol: he sounded very nice at 1992-1995, in 1995 he got a sickness for cuban poisioned food, and his vomits make him hurt the vocal chords :puke: and for that he lost Voice quality.

I was insanely listening Dream Theater before, Scenes of a memory, Images and words,Awake, and Six degrees... are very good albums, i think since train of trought album the Band lost his way, i hope the new Dream Theater album will be better than systematic chaos and octavarium ( the "octavarium" song is good anyway).
I´ve been thinking of getting myself the King Crimson album he mentioned in one of the recent video interviews, or where I came across it, think it´s the first one.. He said it was the best album of all times, that and a Black Sabbath (? I think). Otherwise I haven´t really bothered to check the rest of the bands he was into back in his early days, as I usually I got somewhat difficult to like bands from early 80s or earlier, take Iron Maiden for example, was just during the summer of last year that I could consider myself a real fan of their songs..
(and that was my secont time seeing them).

Edit: @ Dream Theater bash, recently James has restored his vocal chords, and imo he´s as good as he was back then, he have became 10+ years older, but he still does great job, at least on live shows (from what I recall from Oslo concerts in 2005 n 2007).
I should point out that I don't like the vocals before or after. I just don't like the style. I have a Liquid Tension Experiment cd that is alright. I think it's more that I'm not a very big prog fan rather than anti-Dream Theater