Have you ever bought an album 'cuz Mike told you to?

The only one directly from Mikael was in an interview he did for Guitar World, a DVD that came with it where they showed how to play "The Grand Conjuration". In the interview he talks about how big of an influence The Zombies had on him... and I got their album and it really is amazing stuff. The music is from the 60's but it's so good that it doesn't feel old at all.
I ran across Camel's Mirage album, I think its their second album and I quickly purchased it after remembering what Mike said about them and I was not disappointed at all, I ended up downloading the entire discography and I cant stop loving the first three albums, Im yet to explore the others soon.

I looked for Vangelis-Earth all over the place and even for the song on youtube but found nothing. Is he talking about vangelis the choir group or the musician with the long first name?


I bought an 1976 press of Camel's Moonsorrow on ebay not too long ago. fantastic album!

As for Vangelis - Earth, I found it by searching torrents on Mininova, then shortly after decided I needed fucking everything of his. Bought the Earth album in a store, which I was quite lucky to find. You can purchase it on ebay when it pops up.. And yes, it's Papathanassiou O Vangelis you're after. The guy who did the Blade Runner and Chariots of Fire soundtracks.

For those of you who got Oddessy and Oracle, check out the other Zombies stuff. There are a lot of terrific songs that appear elsewhere. This greatest hits album is my fav:
