Have you guys experienced Shuguang 9th gen 12ax7s?


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
"The best 12ax7s I've experienced for high gain amplifiers is those Shuguang 9th gen. Chinese tubes. Those tubes are low noise, low microphonics and have quite a bit of gain and clarity, they just seem to work the best for high gain amplification. Reinhold Bogner praises those tubes for the preamp section along with Winged C Svetlanas for the power amp section in his amplifiers. The man is right, even NOS tubes don't sound as good in his amp designs."

"I like the GT12AX7C because it's hot, but tight and defined sounding. I'm not positive, but I think they're just relabeled Shuguang 9th Generation tubes that are tested to fall withing certain tolerances. If you want to save money, and get great pre tubes, go on Ebay and type in shuguang 12ax7. Sometimes there's good deals on them, like $5 a piece.

I also like most Russian 12AX7's like Sovtek LPS, EH, the GT R's.

JJ's tend to be reliable, but I bought JJ's best pre tube, the ECC803S and the thing fried within a month. JJ ECC83 tend to be warm and medium output.

The Tungsols are great tubes too, but cost $20 a piece. The GT M's are good and expensive too, but I think they sound best in vintage amps, not modern preamps, because they can be a little bit muddy in preamps designed for highgain. I love the GT M's in my Gibson Goldtone and Chieftain though because they're clean amps I'm trying to make breakup better."

So it appears these seem to be a good means of replacement preamp valves for a high gain amp. What do you guys think? Any experience with these? Go nicely in a 5150? And how about some good power tubes?

Just want to get a set on the ready for whenever mine decide to end.
I really, really prefer the sound of the chinese 9th gens than all the others I have tried. I've never liked how the JJ's, Electro-Harmonix, etc. sounded in the pre-amp spots.

The 9th gens just seems to grind more, have a real cool character to 'em that I like.

be4st tubes for high gain amps imo.
but i hate that "9th generation-mojo-term"
there's one big tube reseller in the u.s. who started using that name "9th gen", just to sell them for more $ than he could when he'd just said "they're better quality now", and it beacame a magic word.
it's just simple chinese 12ax7, they now have a better quality than they had some years ago.
ask steve fryette about that, he could tell you stories ;)

but yes, great tubes, i like to combine them with 1 or 2 JJ12ax7 for wamth.
in the poweramp i use either winged c svets or also chinese (i call them "generation x magic bottles of mistery and darkness":goggly: )

heres what steve said about it in his forum:
Steve Fryette at vhtusers.com said:
Hi guys,

Regarding the difference between the China 12AX7s we use in production and the so-called C9 or 9th generation 12AX7, our position is that there is none other than the normal progression towards continuing improvements in quality which is always ongoing. Hence the tubes we use are the same as those designated by others as C9. None of the suppliers we use can confirm or verify that this is anything more that creative marketing on the part of some 3rd tier tube resellers.

Most likely any difference you may hear would be attributed to either normal performance variations from one production run to the next, or just the difference between a fresh tube and one with a bit of mileage on it.

I'm still prodding our suppliers to do their own research, and will post an update as soon as I get more information. Until then, our position that this claim lacks substantive documentation stands.

Based on the most recent production batches of preamp tubes we evaluated, we will continue to ship our amplifiers with the same tube complement that we have been using all along:
V1 stage: 12AX7WB or V1 grade Selected Shuguang 12AX7A
All other 12AX7 positions: Low Noise Selected Shuguang 12AX7A
All 12AU7 or 12AT7 applications: Shuguang 12AU7 or 12AT7
Valvulator 1: 12AX7WB or JJ12AX7/ECC83
GP3 V1 and V2: 12AX7WB.
GP3 All other 12AX7 positions: Low Noise Selected Shuguang 12AX7A
Power amps: Low Noise Selected Shuguang 12AX7A and 12AU7.

Recently evaluated tubes:
12AX7A/7025 Shuguang
Well balanced tonal spectrum, low noise with moderate microphonic tendencies, easily selected out in production. Excellent for clean and overdrive sounds.
12AX7WB Sovtek
Lower gain, somewhat less bass response, and not as bright as Shuguang, but not dull sounding. Very low microphonic tendencies.
12AX7A Tung-Sol
Very good gain and low microphonics. Nice low end. Somewhat forward in the upper mids. Basically a fatter higher gain EH 12AX7. Appears to be an EH with a different getter.
12AX7 EH
Very good gain and low microphonics. Less low end than Tung-Sol and not as smooth on top. More pronounced in the upper mids.
12AX7LPS Sovtek
Similar to the EH but generally a little less of everything. Nice balance and a good alternative to the Shuguang if you like less top and a little more mid.
12AX7/ECC83 JJ
Works well in Valvulator 1, which was surprising, since it did not fare as well in prior testing. Apparently the hum and microphonic issues have been addressed. A little darker sounding than the WB.
When used in the amplifier V1 stage, this tube performs similarly to the WB, but the mids are more pronounced, the top end is dullish and overall somewhat harsh sounding for high gain settings.

Hope you find this useful...

I've read the original post! Is it from GJ@SD?!?
I use a GT12AX7C in V1 of my HR50 and really dig it! But I haven't compare it to many other tubes yet!
I've been singing their praises for some time now after putting them in my 6505+. More grind, not so harsh, I love them.

As for the "9th gen." labelling, I think it's important enough to be mentioned, especially with NOS Chinese 12AX7's floating around. You never know what you may be getting. Besides that, I don't see them being any more expensive.

I've bought mine off ebay for 5 bucks a piece, so I don't think that's too much.