Havent mixed anything in ages, how does this sound?


Jun 6, 2007
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/749671/6foag/new song .mp3

As usual i cant hear the bass freq very well on my monitors although i have a feeling there might be to much bass, advice from someone with a better setup than mine would be great.

Guitar tone is a salvage job as i made a fuck of the tracking and had to eq to fix it in mix kind of sounds grainy but i cant eq it out and am way to lazy to re-amp as there is a butt ton of guitar tracks.

What do you guys think of the mix overall?
I think that the whole mix sounds really closed and the guitar tone is a bit weird and undergained.

What do you mean by closed?? do you mean to dry as in it needs more verb delay on certain things?

Im with you on the gutar tone im not very happy with it there is a grainy charactor to it that bugs me but i dont think i can do anything about it now, i just made a mess of tracking
Not that, it lacks clarity/brightness. The mix is too focused in the low mid area, it sounds kinda muffled.

Alright i get what you mean now. Yea i had lots of problems with the low mids with this one the current tone is a huge improvement on the original tone which was very cloudy. Il try going even more drastic on the eq and cut out some more more mids from the tone and boost some high mids/highs i already thought it was begining to sound harsh though as i have boosted 7k a lot already(11db)

I also have mltiband comp working overtime on the low mids as is:mad:

Sigh the joys of working with crap recorded tone, I must have had my ears up my arse the day i tracked these guitars.
I think its very distinctive... only thing "wrong" with it is going to be people chiming in with their personal taste as to what things should sound like...

ultimately, if you convey the emotion and everything can be heard (or whatever the focus of the song/part happens to be) then you're golden.

I think it sounds fine... will there be vocals on this?
I think its very distinctive... only thing "wrong" with it is going to be people chiming in with their personal taste as to what things should sound like...

ultimately, if you convey the emotion and everything can be heard (or whatever the focus of the song/part happens to be) then you're golden.

I think it sounds fine... will there be vocals on this?

Cheers for the feedback man, im happy with how the slower fuck yea sections came out but the busy tec sections arnt quite there guess i just have to keep on keeping on:)

At this stage i doubt it cant find anyone to sing over it:lol: Not that i blame them its a pretty busy song to be singing over.