having freq's in mind... New poulin's amp test


Señor Miembro
Feb 17, 2009
Sup there people, i'm so amazed on how from little to no knob playin' at all this amp gives such dope tones, so here we have:

:zombie: Addictive drums + slate drums + eq

:zombie: gate + tss + poulin's nu amp + waves ir with catharsis s-preshigh + a little eq and slight reverb. (4 tracks, 2 100% L/R, 2 80% L/R)

:zombie: gate + tss + Soundshifter + warp + eq (pitched guitar for bass)

there's comp all over the place too and a final limiter, set to not kill dynamics at all almost... that may make it sound a bit weak i dunno...

the thing is i've been trying to make things fit in place, not only minding a particular instrument, but the whole mix sound, new thing in me is not copressing everything to hell too, so as i said it may not sound OMGHUGE but the thing is i want everything to have it's place 'cause most of my stuff sounds like a mad freq battle... and i kind'a need to get a nice sound without curve-eqi'ng matching some band i like... do you think it sounds like... clear enough? what changes would you make minding frequencies?

(nevermind the random riffing, it's just to see how things would work)

thanks in advance for the help!
sounds good man im diggin it.... maybe too much gain on the guitars...would be cool if you could post some sreenshots (tss + poulin's nu amp)
The whole think is clipping quite a bit, I'd back off on the compression/limiting on the master bus.

yeah i notice that a lot in my recordings, it's this weird thing i mean if i don't let it clip the fuck out it ALWAYS sounds sooo weak and low compared to the pro stuff... i kind'a find interesting the fact that voxengo elephant and L1 sound different and the first one seemed to achieve louder stuff... how should i go about this clipping vs loudness?? really thankful for yer answers =]