Having Structure


New Metal Member
May 23, 2015

Started playing about five years ago,I'm not very good at guitar

at least to my standards anyway but it's one of the very few

things in this world that makes me happy, (negative nancy) I know.

I play mostly metal rhythm on a 7 string I love huge sounding

chords like Add9 and sus2 chords which many people get mixed up,I

use to be one of those people.The thing is I like to come up with my own stuff just to see if I can,it gets frustrating at times but I guess noone is above that.

But when i come up my own
stuff its usually kind of a guessing game,example being "I

wonder if the chord sounds good on the 3rd fret better yet the fifth.

I know very little about scales and all I guess my problem
is I don't have any structure when playing,don't get my wrong I do know some theory.But thats about it.

My main question is..How do I go about coming up with a proper

progression using add9 chords and sus2 or chords any for that

matter in a metal context

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.