Having trouble getting the vocals to sit in the mix


Jan 8, 2013
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61928205/Mix Test With Vox 1.mp3

I'm currently in the final mixing stage of my bands first single. I think I pulled of the instrumental part of the mixing quite decent, but I'm having troubles getting the vocals to feel a part of the mix. Any suggestions? One of my bandmembers thought the vocals were too low, but where I'm listening now I can almost feel they are too high volume-wise.

Any pointers? Would really appreciate it!
One trick is to find the main frequency range of the vocals (maybe with a visual analysis plug) and scoop an automated 1-2db hole in the guitar bus while the vocals are playing.
Sweet instrumental mix, dude! DAT LOW END. Vocals sound really out of place IMO, both sonically and musically. I would edit it to be much more tight. Try cutting some 400-500 hz and 1500-2000 hz and maybe boosting somewhere in the presence region around 3-5 khz.
Nice sound ! You could try to pass everything in the same comp or EQ or disto plugin or all of those (stereo output) kind of a little mastering see what it gives you it could blend the vocal in. Better to do this before the mastering IMO.The vocal does sound a little bit apart but it's not that bad. Just passing through something a plugin with no settings might do it also Ex.: Tape emulator, FairChild emulation...I have recently discoverd the joy of mixing through plugins on the mixbus. Totally different...but efficient for me.
Hey, thanks for the response guys. The song is already released, but I kind of improved it a bit at least by cutting away more junk from the vocals, and also do a little scoop on the guitars, and lot's of automation to keep the vocals from drowning, haha. But as I said, thanks for the response!
Sounds to me like the vocals have a rather big peak around 400hz. Making a medium-width cut there would probably help them blend into the mix and give them some depth already.
I guess it may be his voice in general? It sounds very muffled and has quite some mud in there.
A little tip is to treat the vocals like you would any other instrument. Before you mix, get the unwanted frequencies out of his voice, and make vocal adjustments while the whole mix is running. The idea is to pocket the vocals right in there. You basically dont want them dominating the mix, or go under. I tend to work this way when mixing in the vox: solo the kick, bass, snare, (and whatever is in the middle where the vox are at), and see if there´s anything battling with the vox. Then, add the rhythm guitars and listen to what happens to the vocals.