HC memories.

"Hey, let's go get some hippie coffee." And we park and go into "Anam Ali Coffe" (or something like that). Really? Shouldn't it have been obvious from the name what we were getting ourselves into? :loco:
-Mexican troll midget bat shakes for half the set near the rear of the venue
-The Center from Varsity Blues bowls over half a dozen individuals in the corner
-Minnesota Wild Hockey couple come in for chili dogs
- "Don't make me do something I don't want to do"
- "Aids Aids Aids"
- Woods guitarist dawns RC Santa Hat
- St. Paul P.D "There's been a couple stabbings and shootings tonight."
Forgotten Cast Member: "Here in the hotel?" :lol:
- Jonathan slams the car door in Matt's face
-Jerry and his constant struggle to maintain his chi
-The many creative uses of "Troll Slayer"
-The Great Deceiver's Viking cap
-Erik from Ancient Rites giving the lecture on the evils of drugs to the guy that offered him a joint while Nick & I watched
-Jerry going to the Friday night party on the 2nd floor with a pillow
-The Swizzle Homebrew
-Jerry and Dr Pete's hug

As for the bands
-Ulveheim coming from nowhere and kicking my ass :notworthy
-Velnias putting on a great performance
-Metsatoll puting on a fantastic performance.
-Woods Of Ypres for finding a way to top them :rock:
-Moonsorrow closing out the festival on a great note
-Jerry and Dr Pete's hug

When the hell was that?

Some memories of mine:

-A friend of mine that was standing a few feet away shouting "I love your mantitties" at the Moonsorrow vocalist while they were playing.
-The "DR. MITTENS" chant that got started because of Patches (pics of him will be made available once I get situated)
-The Hammerfall singalong Thursday evening that was instigated by the back of my jacket
-The Manowar/Skylark singalong on the 3rd floor on Friday afternoon
-Patches clearing the lobby doorway
-"The Burrito van"
Max not getting carded at the brewery! But then that was pointless because he started feeling sick and couldn't even drink his beer. But still :loco: