- swizzlenuts Ale complete with swizzlenuts nut busting effect!
- Santa hat wearing abounds, which I think was step 3 in Jerry's "chi" quest. The step was complete when Woods of Ypres proudly displayed said Santa hat for all ye Heathen faithful.
- Act 1, we get the room to chant "Trolllllllll Slayer...... Trollllllll SLAYERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!"
- Act 2, security guard comes in and announces "You can make human level noise, but please, no more chanting!"
- Act 3, "Noooooooo Chanting, Noooooooooooo CHANTING!!!!!!!"
- Like the scene from "A Christmas Story" I get triple dog dared to smell a defenseless Cara's foot which was promptly shoved in my face by a curiously motivated Mike and Jerry. Fortunately for her, my nose didn't stick to it like Flick's tongue!
- Jerry walking to the party on the 2nd floor mezzanine with a pillow in hand. The pillow was later brought back to the chanting room, which was ironically used to break Jerry's fall from chi grace. (or was at least used to break Jerry's fall off the bed

- Jerry knocking over and shorting out the light in the hotel room.
- Jerry knocking over the newspaper machine outside the venue.
- Just Jerry, 'nuff said.
- "Man, if you give him a pointy hat, in 30 years swizzles will make an excellent Gandalf!"
- Growling Kiss' The Oath along with Cara and not being able to shout for half an hour as a result. I later came back to finish the duet and found that Cara was recuperating back at the hotel. I blame the growling!
- Going on a beer run with swizzles and crew only to overshoot the liquor store and end up in a Walgreens parking lot. Hilarity ensued when Jerry's group followed us into the lot and didn't notice us making a u-turn to head back to the liquor store. They got out of the car and actually went into Walgreens before someone had to call them to tell them we screwed up.
- "Shhhhhhhhhhhh"
- Perkins Breakfast!
- JayKeeley: "No I am not the bassist from Ulveheim." (One year after being mistaken for a member of Rudra). Check out the pics thread for confirmation of this most entertaining story.
- JayKeeley: "That's it! I'm wearing the Drudkh shirt next year!" (This particular shirt has a phrase on the back which reads "Music for white, intellectual elite" on it). Somehow I don't think it will help, and he'll still get mistaken for a member of Orphaned Land or something.
- Being detained in our elevator by Mike, Luann, Jerry and JayKeeley as I tried to explain I had 4 hours to sleep until my shuttle bus was coming. The response was something akin to "dude, if we didn't care, we
would let you go". I'll say it again, you guys ROCK!!!!
- All the rest of the incredible people I had the honor of hanging with over yet another amazing weekend. Here's to hoping we can all do it again soon.